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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 11

  Writer's POV

  Few minutes later, Grandma Felicia was standing before the king in his large sitting room.

  Both of his guests must have left because the room was empty save for the Alpha King who sat still on his large chair and appeared to d in deep thoughts.

  "My lord. Your Highness." Grandma Felicia bowed, showing submission to him. At first glance, the scene looked wrong. An older woman bowing to someone who was old enough to be her son.

  But they all knew the king was far older than anyone else. He had lived for years, and could be two times older than the woman.

  He looked like he would be in his 30s but he was for a fact more than a century old. It's just like they say, looks could be deceiving.

  He lifted his eyes to Grandma Felicia who knelt before him, snapping out of his thoughts, he could perceive Isaac fears blasting through the walls from the other side of the room.

  "Rise Felicia. What is it?" He asked, staring suspiciously at her as she shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.

  "Um..your new slave. She doesn't know your rules very well and she has committed a grave sin. Please let her so I can teach her and she won't make that mistake again." She pleaded, looking up at the Alpha.

  A dark smile, almost unnoticeable, curled up his lips.

  "You know you have been one of the people I've known for years, Felicia. I've known you for so long and you also know me." He started.

  "I'm glad you actually know me and you know I won't release her to you. All I can assure you right now is, that little wolf is fine." He finished, keeping his dark gaze on the older woman.

  "I know that my Lord. And...I'll take my leave now." She gulped, wanting to say more but scared of how he would react. She turned, leaving the sitting room.

  Just at the door, the king's voice stopped her.

  "I'll release her to you soon."

  A smile lifted up her features and contented she left the room.

  She knew the king too well. And just like any other man in power, challenging him or pleading with him would only anger him more. She knew this and that was the only reason she lasted in the castle longer than anyone else.

  She had seen a lot of servants fall. She had seen slaves murder each other in fight for the king. She had seen slaves take their own lives too and yet she lasted, she stayed, overcoming every fear and following every command.

  She knew better than to disobey the king. She knew and memorized his rules every day and night. She never questioned his judgement, and after years of that, they grew closer than any other servant that had served him.

  She would serve him with all her heart. She would be by his side. But also she would be here to see his redemption. It was starting, she could feel it in her heart and she couldn't wait to see the King fall into it.

  Happiness filled her heart, the whole plan was working perfectly. Just like the moon goddess wanted, exactly how she had predicted it.

  "Grandma!" Issac called, walking briskly towards her, sweat covering his forehead in anticipation.

  "Don't worry dear. I've seen to it, the king doesn't have intentions of punishing that child further. You'll be shocked at the end result of everything." Grandma Felicia assured, tapping his shoulders to calm him.

  But the words didn't make Isaac feel any better than he was. He was worried and there was little to nothing he could do. He sighed.

  "Once she is out, I'll ask her to follow me to the pack's hospital. I need her blood or anything for a DNA test. I need to know. I need to be sure." Isaac said.

  Grandma Felicia stopped and turned to look at him once they were outside the king's castle.

  "If you are too eager to find out if she is really the one you have been looking for. Then go into her room, you can find her hair or something. Just look for her comb, use it and find out what you want to find out." The older woman said.

  Isaac's eyes widened in realisation. "Yes. Yes. That's right but don't you think I also need her permission in order to go through her things?" He asked.

  "Do you? I'll suggest you do all these secretly. It'll be less painful to her if the results come out negative and she doesn't know a damn thing about it. I know you will be able to handle the pain but that child might cry over it for days. You have been kind to her so she'll really feel bad about it." Grandma Felicia advised, as they continued walking.

  Isaac nodded in response, kissing her on the cheeks and shouting a thank you before running off to Serena's room.


  As soon as Serena stopped hearing the footsteps and sounds of the supposed spirit of the king's formal maid, she breathed out a sigh of relief.

  She realized the room wasn't as dark as it was anymore. There was no source of light and even with her werewolf eyes, she could hardly see a thing. But now, she could see the outline of the bed, and a few other things.

  She didn't know why, but she was glad. The room was quiet and thought everything was normal and she should be happy, jumping for joy. But instead loneliness laced her heart.

  Loneliness had always been a part of her since she was born. Her sister never cared about her nor her step father. And since she never got a chance to meet her real father, she had no idea what he looked like either.

  Memories of the past, her sad lonely life flashed through her mind. One in particular, she couldn't forget. It was her high school graduation and no one came. She remembered every other student with their proud parents beside them, taking pictures but to her side was no one.

  Then she had made a decision to not attend college and no one talked her out of it because no one cared. And though Kate was the only sister she had, only true blood relative, she loved her. Despite her horrible treatment towards her.

  And even though it was dumb and unrealistic, she hoped that maybe one day Kate would realised her ways and start caring about her.

  But she was wrong. That hope was lost.

  Kate hadn't called her since she arrived at the king's castle. She hadn't checked up on her, not once to know if she was alive or dead.

  Maybe she really meant what she had said; that she will be no sister to a slave. Maybe she has truly forgotten me. Serena thought sadly.

  Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks before hitting the cold floor.


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