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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91~ Gender reveal party 

Five months later… 

Days had come and gone. As usual, all the days were blissful. Tessa’s company rose to its heights and she already had over a thousand employees. 

She was now a successful businesswoman. Everything was going well for her… her marriage… 

her company… 

Life couldn’t be more perfect. 

She was standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror checking out her big baby bump. 

Since it was her second pregnancy with triplets, she was much bigger than her first time. It looked like she was just about ready to pop. 

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and smiled, knowing it was Aaron. 

He slid his hands around her waist and held her belly, resting his chin on her shoulder, he said, “You look beautiful, love.” 

“Do I? I’m round and big now,” Tessa responded, pouting. 

“I love you in all forms, love. Round, big, slim… you will always be my Aaron affirmed. 

beautiful Queen,” 

Aaron had been very happy in the last few months. Following Tessa’s pregnancy, he was introduced to a whole new world. 

He experienced first-hand how irritable a pregnant woman could be. How her cravings could change within a few seconds and how he had to run around looking for what she had asked for. 

Despite how demanding his wife was, Aaron made sure he catered to her demands. He had basically become a full-time errand boy but he wasn’t complaining. He was having fun. 

His favorite time was when the babies would move in Tessa’s womb. He spent most of his time placing his hand over her belly, just to feel the little ones’ kicks. 

When the pregnancy was big enough, they went for a 3D ultrasound and were able to see the babies’ facial features. Aaron even concluded that they looked like him. 

As for the gender, the couple told the OB to keep it a secret and tell it to the party planner. They wanted it to be a surprise for them just like everyone else. 




think they are going to be boys or girls?” Tessa asked as she leaned back into Aaron’s 

Aaron kissed her cheek and her neck. He then sighed and responded, “Whether they are boys 

or girls, 

Still love them the same.” 

“However, I would want another boy to help me protect the girls,” he added. 

“Well, let’s go and find out shall we?” Tessa said and they both left their bedroom. 

Everyone was gathered in the backyard. There was a joint baby gender reveal for the Wentworths and the Thompsons. 

The garden was decorated with pink and blue balloons. Two big black balloons were hanging from a tree labelled with the names, the Wentworth babies and the Thompson baby. 

Round tables were scattered around the lawn and a buffet was set up on the left side, a few meters away from the tables. 

In one corner, a music band was stationed there, playing some soft music. There was a photo booth in another corner where people could take pictures during the event. 

When Tessa and Aaron showed up, wearing all-white outfits, a round of applause erupted in 

the air. 

Michelle and Graham were already there equally in white clothes. Michelle’s baby bump wasn’t as big as Tessa’s. She wore a white flowy dress similar to Tessa’s. The men were in white shirts. and white pants. 

The kids saw their parents and rushed to them. 

“Daddy, what took you so long? We want to start the party!” Reagan complained. 

When he was told they were having a party to reveal whether Tessa was growing girls or boys, Reagan was so excited. 

Aaron chuckled and carried Reagan, placing him on his waist, “We are here now, son. Eager to know what sibling you will have eh?” 

Reagan nodded and said, “Yes, Daddy. I can’t wait to play with him and to teach him how to drive the car you bought me. We will be best friends.” 

Meanwhile, Willa and Nia were playing with their mother’s belly. They kept placing their little hands on her bump and when the babies kicked, the two girls burst into giggles. 

“Mommy, the babies are moving,” Willa remarked. 

Watching their mother’s belly move had become the triplets’ daily activity. At first, they were worried that there was something wrong with their mommy. However, Tessa explained to them that it was simply the babies growing in her stomach that were moving. 

“Does it hurt?” Nia had asked and Tessa chuckled. 

“Sometimes it does… but mostly, it’s just uncomfortable,” Tessa replied. 

Tony was asked to be the MC for the party. He grabbed the microphone and began to speak, 

You’re all welcome to the Wentworth’s and Thompson’s baby gender reveal party. Today is the day we will know what babies our dear friends are having so that we can start preparing gifts for them accordingly. I, for one, have already ordered four children’s sports cars for the babies. They will be able to drive them when they are about three. I bought such a gift because I strongly believe that all the babies will be boys. In short, I’m team boys!” 

The audience laughed. 

They had only invited a few close people. Tessa and Aaron’s assistants, Celia, Graham’s and Michelle’s parents, Elena and Edmund and a few other business associates who were close like family. Victor was on call as usual. The hospital had a lot of emergencies so he couldn’t attend but he did organise the music band and the photo booth. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to do a simple activity. All of us are going to vote. I want to know who are team boys and who are team girls! I’ll go around asking each one of you and then I’ll tally the results. After the voting is done, we are going to have the big reveal…” Tony continued. 

He asked for a whiteboard and placed it in the centre. After calling Celia over, he gave her a marker and asked her to tally the answers. The two of them shared a secret look but they quickly averted their gaze. 

Tony started with Celia. He placed the microphone close to her lips and asked, “Do you think the Wentworth babies are boys or girls?” 

“Girls,” Celia responded immediately. 

“Seriously? It seems team girls is strong. What about the Thompson baby?” Tony asked her. 

“I think it’s a boy…” Celia answered after mulling over it for a few seconds. 

Tony sighed and went to ask the audience. A lot of them were team girls, including Edmund. 

“Uncle, come on! How can you be on the girls’ team? They already have the majority of votes, “Tony complained. 

Edmund chuckled and said, “I want more granddaughters. They will be our little princesses… Reagan will be the brother who gets to protect his five sisters. Well, I won’t mind if they are boys too. Tessa and Aaron can keep having kids until they make a football team.” 

Everyone laughed and Tessa’s face flushed an adorable pink. She glanced at Aaron and he winked at her, holding her hand tighter. 

“Ok… I’m now going to ask the kids! I hope I’ll have more votes for team boys. So far, for the Thompson baby, everyone is saying boy. I wonder why…” Tony remarked and approached the 


He started with Reagan and asked, “What babies do you think your Mommy is having?” 

“Boys!” Reagan responded excitedly. “She’s growing me baby brothers to play with.” 


“Willa, what about you? Are the babies going to be boys or girls?” Tony asked her. 

Willa quickly answered, “I think they are girls. We are going to play in my doll house with Barbie dolls.” 

“Ok. And you Nia? What do you think?” Tony asked her. 

“I think they are girls. Boys are too noisy and they fight a lot. I like girls,” Nia answered with a serious face. 

For a moment, Tony thought he was looking at a mini version of Aaron. Nia’s face was very similar to his, especially when she wasn’t smiling. The same could be said for Reagan. Only Willa took after her mother but if you looked closely, you could see the subtle resemblance to her father. 

He thought inwardly, ‘Aaron has very strong genes. I wonder if my children would look like me or their mother.’ 

As these thoughts occurred to him, his eyes wandered to Celia. He found himself staring at her in a trance. From this angle, he could appreciate her beauty. She had recently come to him, seeking legal help but he had never seen her that way before… she looked exceptionally beautiful as she stood there, innocently tallying the votes of the activity. 


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