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The CEO’ s second choice novel Chapter 1


  I stared at my laptop, not believing what I was seeing… Then I let out a shriek so loud that even my mother came running into my room.

  “What in the world is going on, Elena?” She cried out, staring at me with eyes as big as saucers. I turn my laptop screen around and point towards it, “I got accepted, mother! Harvard has accepted my application!” I respond with glee, to a perplexed mother.

  She raised one expertly plucked eyebrow at me, “Excuse me? Harvard, as in The States?” Fighting the urge to roll my eyes at her, I nodded and could not help but grin. Harvard Law School, my dream Uni has accepted me! Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing could knock me off this high. I’ve done it! I have proven to myself and my family that I could get somewhere without their influence.

  I mean, I could have chosen Cambridge or Oxford, but that would be too close to home and the Wiltshire name. I would immediately have been accepted if they knew I was William Wilshire’s daughter.

  My face hurts from grinning, and I look at my mother for a reaction, but as usual there is none. And it was not the Botox.

  “Well now, we will have to see what your father has to say about this. The States, Elena? Why not Oxford? It is, in fact, your father’s alumni.”

  Did I say nothing could knock me off this high? Well, my mother just shot a bazooka straight into it.

  I stare at her, a little discouraged. I expected this reaction and, prepared myself for it, but it didn’t hurt any less. Never in my 20 years on this earth, had my mother been proud of me or showed it. The smile drops from my face and I sigh, “Can’t you just be happy for me for once, mother?”

  She looked at me as if I had trampled on her favourite Louboutins, “I will be happy when I know you have rejected that acceptance letter and studied closer to home. Come, you need to get ready for tonight’s dinner party. The Dumont’s will be joining us this evening.” With that, she turned on her heels and strode out of my room.

  I stare at her back and feel a tear slip down my cheek.

  My mother, Susanna Wiltshire, is an upper-class socialite of noble blood so it will always be expected of me to follow in her footsteps. My twin sister, Eliana, slipped into the role much easier than I did. Where I was brash and spoke my mind, she was reserved and soft-spoken. A proper lady.

  Speaking of which; a face pops into my bedroom door with a smile plastered on her face, my mirror image. With a few alterations.

  Where she had soft honey-coloured curls set in a natural balayage, I had more of a caramel tint to my balayage. Where her eyes were baby blue and sparkling, mine was more of an icy steel. We both had heart-shaped faces, almond-shaped eyes and bow-shaped lips though.

  People have said we were blessed with our looks, my sister seemed to think so. Where she got stares and knew she was beautiful, I had the self-esteem of a rock.


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