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The CEO’ s second choice novel Chapter 15


  I walk out of Elena’s room with my mind in a haze. The girl who I had teased mercilessly for being slightly curvier than her sister, was hiding an absolutely stunning body. The last thing I expected to find was her naked on the other side of that door. Clearly, she was used to being naked in her own room, and now I had invaded her personal space.

  Walking towards my room, which was down the hall from hers, I internally reprimanded myself again for my stupidity earlier this evening. What had I expected to gain today from having sex with Sarah? She was easy and willing, but did I really want to keep the affair going?

  When I saw Elena’s face through the doorway, the hurt displayed there mirrored my own from long ago. Instead of bursting in and acting like the firecracker that she was, she simply closed the door and walked away. Any trace of lust I felt had evaporated when I saw the look of betrayal in her eyes, and I immediately stopped what I was doing with Sarah.

  Elena was right, I had disrespected and insulted her on her wedding day. Even though it was not a real wedding to either of us, what I did was still wrong. If this marriage was to work, I would need to put in the work as well.

  I never would have thought that I would end up with Elena, of all people. I am sure she doesn’t remember me from all those years ago, but I remember her as clear as day. It was Social Season about 3 years ago, and my mother had forced me to attend some or other masked ball for charity. I had just turned 20 years old at the time and was not interested in the social circles, but my mother advised me to attend as a Dumont representative.

  I was standing at the hors d’oeuvre table, fixing myself a glass of champagne, when I spotted the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. Soft brown curls framed her heart-shaped face, bright blue eyes and a gorgeous set of lips I immediately wanted to kiss. She looked to be about 18 and had taken her mask off for some or other reason and was arguing with her mother. Calling the wearing of masks ‘stupid’ but relenting and attaching it again. This display of rebellion had made me want to get to know her, and when I asked a patron who she was, I was told she was Lady Eliana Wiltshire.

  Approaching her, I introduced myself as the Dumont representative and noticed her mother had gone pale, then excused herself. The girl named Eliana had a frown on her face at her mother’s reaction but proceeded to talk to me, anyway. I asked her if she would like to walk with me and she obliged so I held my hand out for her to take and we walked towards the vast gardens.

  “So, what brings you to this ball if you’re not interested in being here?” I asked her as we rounded the boxwood hedges and walked towards the rose garden. She shrugged, “It is sort of difficult to get out of a social event when it is being held at your estate.” She replied with a giggle and I suddenly felt dumb. Of course, The Wiltshire Charity Ball.

  “Ah, forgive me. I am not too clued up with the social circles. My work tends to keep me busy.”

  “Oh? And what do you do?” She had asked, clearly not recognizing me, and for some reason, I preferred that.

  “I own a few companies in London. We’ve currently broken into the stock markets and are climbing each day. As CEO, things can get quite demanding.” I had told her and noticed the bored expression on her face. “Something the matter?” I asked her with a grin on my face.

  She had blushed at this, “No, not at all. I just find the business world very boring.” Her hand suddenly flew to her mouth, “Oh! I do apologize, I didn’t mean to insult you and your work!” I said with a chuckle, then took her hand in mine, “Not to worry. I prefer honesty anyway, Lady Wiltshire.”

  Flashing me an apologetic grin, we continued to walk and made small talk. In those 2 hours spent with her, I had never felt lighter or freer. I could talk to her about anything, and she would reply with a witty retort. She made me laugh as well. No other woman had been able to. Lady Eliana Wiltshire was definitely not your ordinary heiress.

  When it came time to say goodbye, the both of us seemed to struggle to do so. I told her I would visit her the following weekend, and she accepted my invitation.

  She was on my mind the whole week that followed, and when I told my mother to set up a meeting with Eliana Wiltshire, she couldn’t have more been happier for me.


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