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The CEO’ s second choice novel Chapter 24


  We have arrived in London, and I forgot it was winter over here.

  The drive back to the villa in Kensington has my stomach in knots and I am fraught with nerves. Ilse will be so upset with me! She will give me that disapproving look until she was ready to forgive me, and I do not blame her.

  Sebastian has not uttered another word to me, and I don’t know if I was thankful for the silence or disappointed. His phone rings as we near the villa, “Sebastian,” he answers his phone monotonously, and I am left wondering again what type of boss he was. “No, I haven’t forgotten about the dinner, Sarah. I’ll be in the office in the next hour or two, bring the figures along and we can go over it while we wait for Darcy.”

  Excuse me, what? Sarah, as in his mistress?

  I couldn’t help myself and started eavesdropping terribly. “Yes, I am aware of the time. I said I would be in the office within the hour. If Darcy or his associates arrive before I do, keep them distracted. You are quite adept at doing that.” He continues his conversation and I feel the knot in my stomach twist even more. Gosh, I hope this wasn’t jealousy. “Thank you. I will see you soon.”

  He ends the call and pockets his cell phone, letting out an exasperated sigh. “You are quite adept at doing that.” Hmm, and how.

  Ugh, I can’t just let this go, I just can’t. The brat in me would not allow it.

  “Sarah is your employee?” I ask him, hoping he does not notice the jealousy tainting my voice. Sebastian chuckles and continues to stare out the window, “Not exactly. She’s my business partner at Dumont Enterprises. My COO and second in command.” He answers and I am genuinely shocked by this. He didn’t just have an affair with an employee, it was his damned Chief Operations Officer. That would mean he sees her daily and probably spends more time with her than me.

  The burning in my chest intensifies at this knowledge. What was wrong with me? I wanted this, I wanted us to go back to ignoring one another and can’t go back on my word now. Sebastian and I got married out of convenience, not love. It is unfair for me to feel this way now. I cannot expect him to honour our agreement and not find pleasure elsewhere. He was entitled to it.

  “I see,” was all I could say to his answer, and he pulled his phone out to open the gate. “You can’t have your cake and eat it, Elena.” He says as the car comes to a halt in front of the villa door. I know that, Sebastian. But I cannot help feeling this way.

  “I am not expecting anything. You are allowed to do as you please, Sebastian. This is a marriage of convenience, not love.” I regret the scathing words as soon as I utter them, but they don’t cut as deep as Sebastian’s eyes as he turns to look at me, cold and apathetic. “I know.” He says, then opens his door and gets out, slamming it behind him. The driver opens my side and I watch Sebastian’s back as he walks up the steps of the villa, not even turning back to look at me.

  Letting out a sigh, I tell the driver to bring the luggage up to my bedroom and follow my husband inside. I hug my coat closer to my body, realising that the coldness outside didn’t sting as much as his last words in the car.

  I look up before I enter the villa and see Ilse standing at the door regarding me with disappointment. Gosh, I hurt this woman and she had done nothing but be kind to me. “Ilse, I’m-”

  “You had your reasons, dearie. I am just glad you’re home. We were all worried about you.” She says, interrupting my apology. Tears brim my eyes as I look at her, and she wraps her arms around me, rubbing my back. She leads me inside the warmth of the villa and closes the door behind her, “I wish you would have told us where you went. Mr Dumont was up day and night looking for you, He barely came home.” She says, making me feel even worse than before.

  She was the second one to say I did not inform them where I was going, “Ilse, I left a note for Sebastian on his bedside table informing him that I would return in 2 weeks. Did he not receive it?” I asked her with a frown and she shook her head as a look of surprise crossed her face. “No! He did not receive any note, he would have told me.” She says while shaking her head. But then her eyes widen and she sighs. “Melissa cleaned Mr Dumont’s room that day.” She says and I could see this upset her, then it hit me.

  Melissa was the girl who had a crush on Sebastian and loathed me. Could she be the one who disposed of my note? “You don’t think she would have thrown the note away, do you?” I ask her as we sit down at the kitchen table. She walked over to the counter and I noticed that she was fixing a pot of tea. Ugh, I loved this woman.

  “I do not want to speculate, but I will ask her about it. I would need to inform Mr Dumont of this if she did do it.”

  “No, Ilse, I do not want anyone losing their jobs on my account,” I say, knowing Sebastian would fire the poor girl. Ilse shakes her head, “If she did it, it was out of selfish needs and we cannot trust her to work here any longer.” She says and I finally understand. We could not have someone working here who put their selfishness over that of their employer.

  I nod sadly, signalling that I understood, and she offers me a smile. “Did you have fun at least?” She asks me as she puts tea and biscuits in front of me. Wow, I realise that I was actually starving. Did I have fun over there? Did I let my hair down and enjoy my short-lived freedom away from Sebastian?

  The answer was no.


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