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The CEO’ s second choice novel Chapter 8


  1 am The morning of my wedding day.

  My mother and Mirabelle have been fussing over everything all week and it was driving me crazy. They had my walk-in closet cleaned out yesterday and they delivered my clothes to Sebastian’s villa in Kensington. My home from tomorrow.

  Heck, from today.

  I haven’t been able to sleep a wink because of nerves. Sebastian and I have been keeping our distance from one another since our kiss in his office, not that I mind! He threw me for a loop with that kiss, and I haven’t been able to think straight since it happened. At our rehearsal dinner, we were amiable, but as soon as it ended we went our separate ways. We barely made eye contact, and I think Sebastian was as awkward as I was.

  Rolling around under my covers, I sigh in frustration and decide to give up.

  The public had suspected something had happened, but the news outlets were too scared to report anything bad about the Dumonts. So now they were only rumours, which they were hoping the wedding would put to rest.

  Eliana has not contacted me since she left here with Robert, either out of guilt or she just didn’t care that she basically ruined my life and future. We had always been close, I would tell her everything and vice versa. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it but Eliana refused to tell me. She probably thought I would judge her for her choices.

  I grab my phone from the bedside table and decide to check my emails. I haven’t really kept in contact with everyone since this all transpired, so I wasn’t sure what was going on with everyone.

  Opening my emails, my heart jumped into my throat.

  There was actually an email from Eliana, sent a few weeks ago.


  I know I am the last person you wish to hear from. Please know that I did not intend for all of this to happen, especially not for you to marry Sebastian in my place. I love Robert with all my heart and want to spend the rest of my life with him.

  I was never in love with Sebastian, but I know he loves me dearly. It was a relationship of convenience that mother arranged because of the Dumont name. She wanted our families to merge since we were born; she told me this herself. So when she set up the meeting three years ago, I went ahead with it to please her. She knew you would never agree to it because you were a lot more free-spirited than I was. Your stubborn nature kept you out of an arranged marriage, and now my choice will lead you into one.

  I am so sorry, Elena. I hope one day you can forgive me for what I have done.

  Your sister,


  Tears were prickling my eyes as I re-read her letter, sent the day after he left with Robert. My sister felt the Wiltshire burden even more than me because she was seen as the lady of the family who would make my parents proud. As it turns out, she had never loved Sebastian. This would surely deal the final blow to him, as I know he absolutely adored her and worshipped the ground she walked on.

  I dab my eyes and take a deep breath, suddenly feeling exhausted. I would have understood if she came to me about everything and been there for her. She had been suffering for over a year now, and she probably felt all alone as well.

  Snuggling underneath my blankets, I exhale and close my eyes, willing sleep to take me.


  “ELENA! Gosh, only you would sleep in on your wedding day!”

  Opening my eyes, I see the livid face of my mother peering down at me. I shoot up out of bed and run towards my floor-length mirror.


  Heavy bags took up occupancy underneath my eyes, and my skin has lost its youthful pallor. I turn towards my mother, looking horrified. “I hope the make-up artist can work his magic because I look like shit.”


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