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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 75

Friday’s POV:

Today was Maze’s day. The twenty third day of the Challenge. Time had really flew by. I would’ve never guessed how complicated things would become in less than a month. I stroked Saturday’s fur. He purred contentedly. He was certainly used to the finer things in life now.

I sighed. I knew I had to tell Maze and Thaddeus I had let my father go. At this rate, every member of the Fenestra family would have a warrant out for their arrest. Was my letting him go illegal? I had gotten dressed early. To my surprise, Astrid had shown up to help me pick out an outfit. She styled my hair and did my makeup. She kept crying and thanking me for bringing Fang back. She was anxious to know what Thaddeus and Maze had planned for Fang. She just wanted his life spared. She could handle him being in prison if it were unavoidable. I would have never thought I would grow to respect Astrid so much. She was really trying to be strong, to be a supportive wife and to prepare for being a mother.

I looked at my reflection. I was in a simple short red dress with lantern sleeves. It had a sweetheart neckline and was a shimmering satin material. I wore a wreath of red roses on my head. Astrid had insisted on mascara and red l!pstick. There was a knock on my door. I opened it and peaked out. Saturday peaked out also, near my ankles.

It was Maze. He was in all black: black satin shirt, plain black trousers. He was as handsome as ever. My stomach still clenched when he looked at me. His face lit up. He looked me up and down.

“Today is my day,” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled slyly.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“We’re helping out a friend!” Maze said.

I raised my eyebrows, confused.

Maze took my hand and led me down the hallway to Thaddeus’ room. Thaddeus was sitting on the bed in grey sweatpants and a heather grey T-shirt. How did these alphas make such simple clothing look so good? I stopped myself. I was supposed to be mad at them. I was so focused on ogling Thaddeus that I didn’t notice Ezra at first. He was pacing on the far side of the bedroom, twiddling his thumbs.

Maze led me over to Thaddeus so I could sit between them. Thaddeus didn’t greet me or look at me. I could tell it was on purpose. My wolf whimpered.

“What’s going on?” I said, ignoring the fact that one of my alphas was ignoring me.

Ezra looked at me. He seemed a bit frazzled emotionally but miles better physically. He was almost completely healed now.

“Raelynn, your sister Friday, and well, your sister too Maze, but of course you’re not related to each other…” began Ezra making some complicated hand gestures.

Thaddeus snorted with laughter. I stared at him and he refused to meet my eyes. I sighed and folded my arms, h.ugging myself.

“…anyway, she’s my predestined! But, we’re not married yet. This experience has made me realise I don’t wanna wait any longer. I could’ve died without tying myself to my Raelynn!” Ezra said, sounding heartbroken at the thought.

“So you want my help to propose?” I asked excitedly.

“Yeah! Your help and Maze’s and Thaddeus’!” Said Ezra grinning.

I squealed.

“I’m now open to any suggestions,” Ezra said.

Hmm. “Where did you two meet?” I asked.

“At the orphanage Raelynn was at with the vampire nuns,” Ezra said.

“Ok, moving on,” I said.

“What’s your favourite place to go together?” I asked.

“It’s cheesy but the roller rink!” Said Ezra. “We used to roller skate together as teenagers.”

I had not been expecting that.

“Would she want a private proposal or with people around?” I asked.

“I think she would want just her family around. She’s wanted a family her whole life,” Ezra explained. I nodded. I knew exactly how that felt.

“Let’s throw a roller rink surprise party for her!” I exclaimed.

Maze nodded enthusiastically, seeming keen to go along with whatever. Thaddeus was silent which was so unlike him. We discussed details of how to surprise. Thaddeus added to the conversation but refused to speak to me directly. Admittedly, this was t0rture. Last night, he and Maze had both reminded me that they loved me so why was Thaddeus ignoring me now? What would happen tomorrow on his day? Would he even bother to do anything for me? There were so many things to see to these days, the whole wooing aspect of the Challenge had suddenly flown out the window. Ezra left to make arrangements. I sat there with Maze and Thaddeus in an awkward silence. I got up to leave.

“Where are you going?” Maze asked.

“Um, you said we’d help Ezra today and we did so I supposed we were done for the day,” I said.

“No,” chuckled Maze. “It’s barely noon! Sit down!”

“I have to tell you both something,” I said. Thaddeus actually looked up. His eyes swept over me then he looked away again.

“Thaddeus is already very angry with me and well, I’m glad we’re ok, Maze, but I don’t know if it’ll stay that way once you find out,” I said, feeling sick all of a sudden.

Both of my mate’s were staring at me now, eyes wide.

“Yesterday at the vampire castle, I found Farris, my father, and Fang fighting. I ordered them to stop because I couldn’t bear it. And then…I let Farris go,” I said, feeling queasy when I thought about it. I waited for them to freak out. Maze stared at me blankly. Thaddeus had little to no reaction. Were they totally fed up with me so it didn’t matter anymore?

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Maze took a deep breath. “You know that puts us all in danger right. Literally every single one of us,” said Maze softly.

“I know,” I whispered. “It was not a good decision…but I couldn’t make myself make him return.”

Thaddeus still wouldn’t look at me. Maze sighed again and massaged his temples. I bit my l!p.

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!” I mumbled.

“Ok,” said Maze exasperatedly. “You may go.”

I ran from the room. I rushed into my bedroom. I started sobbing before my face hit the pillow. Their subdued reaction was much worse than their anger. It felt like they’d just given up on me because I was too much of a handful. There was no Challenge anymore.

Katrina’s POV

The twins stared at me as I lay in the c.hest. I felt so foolish. They were so handsome. Their dark glossy hair, their intense dark eyes, their golden skin, their tall muscled frames. Honestly they looked so much like Fang only slightly different, probably a bit younger. Their faces were a little softer. One of them grasped my wa!st and lifted me out of the c.hest like I weighed nothing. My breath caught in my throat and I clamped my th!ghs shut nervously. The twin who had lifted me set me down in the hallway. The blonde twins were grinning at each other, chuckling.

“Aren’t you Katrina, Ezra’s stepsister?” Asked one of the blonde twins.

“Yeah!” I said. “You must be Thaddeus’ brothers?”

“Yeah, I’m Timothy and this is my brother Titus!” Exclaimed Timothy.

Titus smiled and stifled a laugh at the shocked expressions of the other pair of twins.

“And you two must be Fang’s brothers?” I mumbled, looking down.

“Mate…I mean yeah!” Said one of them, shaking his head as though he’d been stunned.

“I’m Fallon,” said the other brother. “This is Fargo.”

“Katrina,” I mumbled.


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