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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 403

Chapter 403 It’s Tiring to Kiss So High

Huston calculated the time. “You can come back on January


Evelyn blinked her eyes, thinking she had misheard. It was

quite rare for him to make a concession voluntarily.

“Do you have anything to do on the day before I come back?”

“Yes, I’ll go to the island with Marcellus for a few days. I’ll be

returning on that day.”

The island?

Evelyn subconsciously thought of Mia and asked, “What about

Mia then?”

“Sadie will take care of her. I have paid Sadie five times.”

She raised her eyebrows, imitating his expression. “So you had everything planned in advance and didn’t bother to tell me?”

“If I had told you, would you have been able to accompany


Evelyn pursed her lips. Well, she really couldn’t.

She sighed jealously and said, “Ah, it must be nice to be

wealthy. You can go wherever you want to travel, unlike us

ordinary people who can only stay at home…”

The seriousness on Huston’s face almost faltered when he

heard her teasing him. He pretended to twist her waist and

said, “Do you want to be taught a lesson?”

Evelyn pretended to be frightened and quickly leaned against

the car door. “No, no, no, I’m sorry.”

They chatted and laughed along the way, and when the car

stopped at the entrance of the Hub Apartment, it was nearly

half past twelve. Evelyn took the things off the car herself, as the driver wasn’t there, and Huston couldn’t go upstairs. She

was left alone with over a dozen bags, looking like a walking


“I’m going upstairs now. You should go back.”


Huston stood still. “I’ll watch you go upstairs before leaving.”


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