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The convenient Bride novel Chapter 28


"Don't blame Rosiley, mom. lt’s my fault."


Rorey struggled to get off the bed, walking slowly to Rosiley step by step.


"Sis, I know you blame me for taking Yunis away. I apologize. It's all my fault. And I have got what I deserved. I won't expect

your forgiveness, but please give me a chance to sincerely apologize to you.”


Rorey was begging humbly, holding Rosiley s hand. “Sis, you have every right to hate me and not forgive me. You can even hit

me if that helps. l'm willing to do anything to make up for you, anything.'


"Rorey, what the hell are you doing?”


Rosiley was surprised and confused about Rorey s attitude. She thought Rorey would curse her with rage, or play some dirty tricks. Unexpectedly, she apologized to her in such a humble way.


She must be planning something worse.


By no means would Rorey apologize, unless she was up to somethindg.


"“Rorey, I don't know what you're up to. But if you play pitiful, just save it for your Yunis." Rosiley stepped back, hesitantly shaking off her hands.


“Sis, you misunderstood. I really mean it when l apologize. I know you won't believe whatever I tell you. But that's OK. What's done is done, I worry find any excuse for myself and just beg you to forgive Yunis and me. I know I'm being so selfish, but l'm pregnant and my baby can't be born without its daddy around...'


Suddenly, Rorey got down on her knees and gripped Rosiley’s trousers, begging in shame and regret. She looked so humble and sincere that Rosiley almost believed her.


But she knew her step-sister too well. The more she acted like this, the more suspicious she was.


"Let go of me, Rorey. Playing pitiful Just won't work for me.”


Rosiley quickly composed herself and pulled back her leg coldly.


But the next moment, Rorey fell backwards on the ground as if kicked by someone.


She burst into shrill cries with hands on her belly, squirming in pain, tt hurts. My belly hurts....


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