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The convenient Bride novel Chapter 336

Butler Zhao was missing.


Such a thought flashed through Rosiley's mind after she heard Hunt's words.


Things might not be that simple.


Rosiley thought for a moment and then said to Hunt, "Well, come with me. Let's ask that woman in person where your father was.”


Hunt frowned and sized her up suspiciously. Rosiley was a Tang, so shouldn't she know where his dad was?


Sensing his doubts, Rosiley smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I haven't lived here for a long time, so I don't know what happened.”


"So, it's like this.” Hunt came to a realization. Then, he smiled in embarrassment and said, “Sorry, I didn't know, so....”


Rosiley smiled while shaking her head. "It doesn't matter. It's normal for you to think that way.”


When Rosiley came to the hospital, Xenia's face darkened as soon as she saw her. "Why are you here again?”


Xenia noticed she didn't come alone this time but brought a man.


"What? You come with a helper?" Xenia said mockingly.


Rosiley ignored her mockery and directly asked her, "Xenia, where's Butler Zhao?"


Xenia was surprised for a moment before replying, "He has returned to his hometown.


"His hometown?" Rosiley sneered, "Are you sure?”


Xenia did not understand why she would ask that, but she stuck to her story, "Yes. I even gave him two more months’ salary when he returned home."


Rosiley squinted with dangerous light in her eyes. She pointed at Hunt and said, "Xenia, do you know who he is?”


Xenia glanced at Hunt and said coldly, “I'm not interested in knowing that."


"He is Butler Zhao’s son." When Rosiley revealed Hunt's identity, she stared at Xenia's face, trying to find evidence of her lying from her micro-expressions.


Sure enough, when Xenia heard that Hunt was Butler Zhao's son, a trace of panic flashed through her eyes. Although it disappeared quickly, Rosiley still noticed it.


Xenia did know where Butler Zhao was.


Rosiley continued, "He told me Butler Zhao wasn't in his hometown, so where did he go?"


Facing Rosiley's questioning, Xenia remained calm. She sneered and looked at Rosiley as if she was amused, saying, "Rosiley, how would I know? He told me he wanted to go back to his hometown. As for whether he really did that, I have no damn clue.”


"Who else would know if not you?" Rosiley glared at her.


Hunt said, "Hello, if you know where my father went, can you tell me? I'm really anxious and worried. I haven't been able to contact him for a while.”


Hunt sounded like he was begging Xenia.


However, Xenia remained unmoved. She sneered and looked at Butler Zhao's son with a cold gaze. "You are his son. If you don't know his whereabouts, how would I know?” she said mockingly.


Hunt looked at Rosiley and didn't know what to do. The latter gave him a comforting smile to calm him down.


Rosiley knew Xenia had the information, but they couldn't get it out of her.


So, she took a deep breath and said coldly, “Since you don't want to say it, then we can only ask the police for help.”


Then she turned around and asked Hunt, “Have you called the police?”


"No, I thought my father...”

"Call the police now,’ Rosiley interrupted him before he could finish.


Petrified for a moment, Hunt nodded and said, "Alright, I'll report it now."


He took out his phone and dialed "110" in front of Xenia.



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