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The convenient Bride novel Chapter 360

Emma never dreamed that she, an unknown actress, would be part of a movie. To her, this was the same as a dream.


Therefore, during the press conference, her mind was in chaos.


After returning to the lounge, she collapsed onto the sofa as if she had just finished a 100m race.


"Please, pour me a glass of water.” She raised her hand and said to her assistant as usual without checking the person in the room.


After a while, a glass of water was handed to her.


"Thank you.” She whispered and sat up. Just as she was about to drink it, she saw a smiling face.


She widened her eyes in surprise and turned around to take a closer look. She exclaimed, “Rosiley, why are you here?”


Rosiley smiled and said, "I'm here to see you.”


Emma looked at the water in her hand and smiled bashfully, “Rosiley, I'm sorry to have you pour water for me.”


"It's fine.” Rosiley looked at her warmly. "Drink the water, and then we'll talk about the movie.”


“Alright.” Emma replied and quickly drank all the water in the cup.


Rosiley smiled resignedly when she saw that Emma was so anxious, then, she took out a thick script from her bag.


She handed it to Emma and said, “This is the script for the movie. Take a good look.”


Emma glanced at her and then took it over. She lowered her head and flipped it.


"You are called here for emergency, so time would be limited and I asked the director to delay your scene as much possible to make time for you to familiarize yourself with the script.”


Emma looked up at her and nodded. “Yeah, I will."


Rosiley smiled apologetically. “Emma, I'm sorry for looking for you in such a hurry. I hope I won't cause you any trouble.”


Hearing this, Emma shook her head. “It's fine, Rosiley.”


Pursing her lips, Emma continued, "I have to thank you for giving me such a good opportunity. Otherwise, I would never have the chance to make such a good movie.”


Emma's expression and words were filled with gratitude.


Rosiley pondered for a moment and then said, “Actually, I chose you because you are suitable for this role, so you should be thankful to yourself.”


Emma lowered her head and smiled shyly, “But you gave me the chance.”


Rosiley laughed and patted her shoulder. "Emma, don't be so unconfident. You're good. I'm looking forward to this movie.”


"Really?" Emma looked up at her.


“Really.” Rosiley nodded heavily. “So you have to perform well. I believe you can give me and the audience a stunning impression.”


Emma was immediately filled with confidence. "I won't disappoint you, Rosiley."


Rosiley smiled and said, "I believe you.”


The next day, Rosiley and Sachin returned to the Capital.


The Lu family was the leader of the four great clans, and their financial power could not be underestimated.


The Lu Mansion was situated on a quiet hillside. In front of the house was a large artificial lake with picturesque scenery.


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