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The convenient Bride novel Chapter 47


Rosiley had learned that the TEG wanted to work with the REG on a film. Why it didn't work out was because the latter didn't think it was worth investing in.


Rosiley took a look at the script. There were a few highlights, but it was overall plain and conservative. The cast were almost all A-list actors and actresses. Even the scriptwriter was a big shot. The cost of making this film was enormous.


It felt stylish on the outside, but insubstantial on the inside. lt was pointless to invest in.


Rosiley frowned involuntarily after reading it.


She was only a reporter who knew nothing about film production. lt was quite a big challenge for her.


Yayoi couldn't help asking, “Why not turn to your Mr. Lu? One word from you is enough to solve any problem.”


Rosiley shook her head. “He's very busy. I don't want to trouble him with everything. Plus, I can handle it myself.”


“Rosiley, you really are a weirdo in the showbiz. You have a backup, yet you'd rather be on your own. Weird, but I like it.” Yayoi muttered in disbelief.


While Rosiley was busy, Rorey was gloating.


“Lonny, good job! That bitch should be taught a hard lesson. I can't make any move now, so you must help me put her down.”


Rorey's malicious voice came through the phone.


“Don't worry. Her career was already at stake. The pressure from director Angus will soon get her fired. Even if she goes to the REG, which by the way was very unlikely, she will probably be dismissed in less than three days.”


Lonny smiled viciously with certainty.


However, Rorey disapproved of her plan. “don't fire her yet. I want some fun when I return to the showbiz. I will tread her underfoot.”


“I see. Then I'll just continue to give her a hard time.” Lonny nodded and then asked, "How are you doing now? That negative news has a great impact on you. lt might not be as easy to rebuild your image again.”


“I'm fine. Yunis's company has stabilized and is ready to help me with my return. I will resort to some philanthropy to restore my public image. There are also other celebrities who are willing to help. But I still need your connections. You know a lot of reporters and directors. lf you can help me, I'll pay you well!"


Hearing this, Lonny's eyes lit up with greed. “Rorey, you are my good friend. Of course I will help you. lf you need anything, just ask away.”


Over the years, Lonny had received a lot of benefits from Rorey.


The reason why she was buttering her up was that Rorey was the wife of the Ji Group's young executive. She was prestigious.



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