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The convenient Bride novel Chapter 61


Just as Payton was teaching Rorey and Liam a lesson, Sachin had already returned to the car with Rosiley in his arms.


At this moment, Rosiley was completely unconscious. Lying in Sachin's arms, she kept putting her hands into his clothes. She felt a fire burning inside, and she wanted to release the heat.


Her tiny face flushed red, and she constantly rubbed her face against his. Her eyes blurred, and she kissed Sachin's lips with her soft red ones.


Sachin had looked sullen, but when feeling Rosiley's warm breaths on his neck, he tried his best to suppress his desire.


“It's so hot. I don't feel good...”


Rosiley gasped and kissed him enthusiastically.


Her lips were soft and hot, and her entire body smelled fragrant. Taking a deep breath, Sachin was afraid that he would no longer restrain his desire. He pushed her face away in a hurry and comforted her, “Wait a moment. You won't be hot anymore after I take you to the hospital!"


Rosiley still felt hot all over, and she couldn't help tugging at her clothes. She wanted to take them off, as if this would reduce the heat.


Sachin held her hands, but Rosiley began to tug at his shirt.


His tie was twisted, and two buttons of his shirt were torn off. His sexy thin lips became red and swollen because of her kiss.


Payton saw this when getting into the car. He was startled and quickly looked away. “Boss, do you want to find a hotel first?”


Sachin took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice, “Cut the crap. Get in the car and send us to the hospital immediately.”




Payton sank into bewilderment. He got into the car and said, “Why are you going to the hospital? Boss, aren't you the best medicine for her?”


Taking a deep breath, Sachin said in a low voice, “l promised her that I wouldn't touch her until she agrees.”


He just made a mistake two days ago, so he couldn't lose his mind this time.


Payton was rendered speechless. He stared at Sachin in disbelief for a moment and nodded. “Got it. Boss, please sit still”


Sachin did not say a word. His breathing gradually became heavy, and he felt like his blood began to boil. He found it harder to keep cool-headed anymore.


However, Rosiley continued to seduce him.


Sachin could only hug her and let her kiss him.


They kissed each other more affectionately. Rosiley wrapped her vine-like arms around his neck tightly. it seemed that she was trying to be arousing.


Gradually, she turned him on. His voice became hoarse and his eyes were bloodshot. There was a hint of strong desire on his face.


Seeing such a scene, Payton kindly reminded, “Boss, don't you want to find a hotel? You can take this opportunity to sleep with her, and maybe she will love you whole-heartedly from then on''


“Shut up and drive!”


Sachin reprimanded Payton in a husky voice. He had always looked calm, but now he wore an anxious expression.


Payton secretly admired his boss.


He thought Sachin was indeed a gentleman, for he could still suppress his desire with a beautiful woman like Rosiley in his arms


They soon arrived at the hospital and Rosiley was taken to the emergency room.


Payton wanted to laugh when he saw Sachin's disheveled look.


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