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THE DARK LORD novel Chapter 20

"You really messed up Aiden," Avan sighed.

"Don't you ever call me that," Vador spat.

"Seriously? So now you want to transfer your anger at me. Cut it out Vador! You're going to lose her if you continue this way"

"I can't be calm Avan," Vador shouted"I asked her what she felt for me and rejected her instantly .I feel so bad because all I wanted to do was to touch her face, hug her and give her a soft kiss on her forehead but I did the exact opposite and hurt her yet again.I've known for a while now that she loves me but hearing her say it got to me."

"Vador," Avan sighed."You'll have to accept the fact that you like her too. You are capable of feeling, you are capable of love Aiden."

"I do not!I'm the dark lord,I am incapable of feeling that way."

"You are my lord and I respect you but do not lie to yourself. Before you became the dark lord you were Aiden or do I have to remind you of how you were before my lord”

"Funny how I would have just sold you if you were just a mere snake. Are snakes really meant to get on their owners nerves?”

“Lucky for me,I’m not a mere snake and I have every right to get on your nerve. To keep you company and scold you whenever you do something wrong” Appearing on Vador’s legs Avan changed into a dog and hit Vador with its tail. You shouldn’t have done that to the damsel.”


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