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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 189


I found it hard to sleep. There were so many questions and issues going on in my mind. As things were, I knew telling people what was going on was the right thing to do.

I might not trust the people in my region, but I needed to discuss this with my friends in the north.

Alexie was a big issue.

I did not appreciate that he wanted to start challenging everyone around him just because he could. His hearing on Max's allegations against him was next month, but I could not wait until then.

How many packs will I suddenly have to take over to protect my people? Timothy was desperate, but Alexie's actions were insidious. I needed to draw a line quickly.

I thought of the objects I found in the woods and concluded that I would need to protect Amelia. If these people were taking pictures and hiding in the woods, she was important and needed protection.

I doubted they wanted to grab her because they would have before she arrived. I wondered what they wanted and who the 'she' was in the sentence written at the back of the photograph.

After tossing and turning, I decided I would return to the north first thing in the morning.

I knew my eagerness to return had other personal reasons, but I held on to the fact that I needed to cry for help because this Alexie guy and the people in my woods were beyond my control.

Something terrible was going on, and these takeovers might have had something to do with what was also happening in the west, causing us to have a large inflow of displaced persons crowding our communities and economic system.

I eventually fell asleep. By the time I woke up, it was nine in the morning. I linked Max to dress up and prepare to return to the north, then dressed up quickly and left my room.

I wanted to make a sandwich before leaving.

Thinking of the sandwich, I knew I had missed Amelia. It had just been a day, and it felt like weeks already.

Whatever I needed to do will be from the north. Once we have decided on her lineage, I will bring her home. I had a firm resolve about her, and I decided to go with my guts, not to doubt her and put in the best effort I could to make it work.

Stepping out, I smelled breakfast and wondered what was cooking in my kitchen.

Max was on the couch looking in the direction of the kitchen. He seemed indifferent about it while Timothy was reading the newspaper on another sofa.

Finally, someone decided to read the news from the papers, not the internet.

Timothy looked up and stood up to greet me.

"Good morning Alpha Leo," He said with a smile. He looked more relaxed than he did last night.

"Good morning Timothy," I said, looking at the kitchen section.

Mirabel greeted me, smiling. She was cooking, and it instantly got on my nerves. Somehow I felt Amelia should be the only woman there.

My house wasn't a general property where people could come and do whatever they wanted. I reigned in my anger and decided to speak to Alpha Timothy.

"I am glad you are relaxed. Max and I will be returning to the north this morning. I am sure you can go home without any issues from Alexie," I said, and he nodded.

"Very well, Mirabel can pack her things and come and stay here," He said, and I shook my head.

"There is no space for her in this house, Alpha Timothy," I said, and his smile dropped.

"I only said what I said to buy you time and ensure you won't be challenged this morning. Alexie would get a summon by the north to stop challenging people. However strong he is, he won't be able to defy our King," I said, and he understood my angle.

He looked at his granddaughter where she was cooking, and it seemed like they were communicating because his eyes glazed over. It wasn't my business, really.

I went to the kitchen, and Mirabel greeted me again; she was blushing.

"I made breakfast, Alpha," She said, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Mirabel, but I have something else in mind. You shouldn't have bothered, really. Only one person cooks my food, and she isn't here," I said, and her smile dropped.

"Like I said to you, there is nothing between us. I only told Alexie what he needed to hear to buy your grandfather time. You may eat what you have cooked and return home," I said and took out the bread that I wanted to use. I did not bother to see what she was cooking.

Timothy and his granddaughter ate the meal she had prepared, and he thanked me for my kindness. I linked Gabriel to join Timothy and take over his pack on my behalf while I head to the north.

After we ate the sandwiches, I waited for Gabriel to come so he could accompany Timothy and Mirabel.

Once they left. I carried the satchel containing those items with me and locked my house.

"I did not want to discuss this trip in Timothy's presence, Leo. Why are you going back so soon?" Max teased me when we got to the airport, and I knew where he was heading with our conversation. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of being right. It will be hard sitting around him, gloating about his wisdom.

" Alexie needs to be put in check, and I cannot do it from the east. Only Sylvester can deal with this guy." I told him, and he nodded with a big grin.

Max knew my other reasons because I could have easily called Sylvester on the phone this morning to inform him of my fears. But I wanted to do it in person because I couldn't stand being away from Amelia. I did not elaborate on my reasons; I wasn't going to give Max the satisfaction of being right by telling him the truth.

We boarded the plane, and we used the First class this time. I could catch up on my sleep on the plane without disturbance. When we landed in Lucland, Max and I took a cab to the Volkov estate.

There was giddiness and eagerness in me that I had not felt in a while. I knew it was because of Amelia. She was slowly taking it all, and I was willingly giving it.

We arrived at the estate, and I composed myself before heading to Sylvester's wing.


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