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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 21


I woke up still tangled in the sheets with Sylvester.

I did not want to get up. Watching him sleep peacefully melted my heart. He looked so much at peace, and I kissed him on his lips.

In response, he wrapped his arms around me and tickled me. I felt like a teenager again.

I laughed and then stopped. Then he pulled me close to him and kissed me hungrily.

"I am a man with a large appetite, green eyes," he said, and I giggled.

"We need to head for dinner first. We have been in this room all day," I complained because all the orgasms I got had made me hungry.

"I thought Kaira could take it; she said all night and some more; we haven't gotten to the all-night part yet," He said, and I got off the bed in an attempt to get away.

He was fast and pulled me back; I giggled at his playfulness. He kissed my neck and sucked gently.

"Sylvester," I moaned, and he laughed.

"Come on, let's shower and get dressed," he said, and I smiled at him.

We showered, and he took liberties, touching me in places that got me all worked up, but he never went all the way with me.

"What do you think you are doing?" I said when he was dressing up.

"Going for dinner, green eyes, just like you said," He said, and I knew what he was doing.

I went to pick up his shirt, and he stopped me.

"Feed my eyes tonight," He said to me, and I grinned.

I reached for a black lace lingerie with a short silk robe. I wore pantyhose, and he watched me put them on.

I made sure to do it as slowly as possible to get him worked up. By the time I was finished, he was spotting a hard-on.

"Shall we?" I said with a low drawl, and he growled at me.

I saw his eyes flashing and felt the pressure that came with his presence. Knight was seeking to dominate me.

"We do not want the food to get cold," I said and walked out of our room.

He followed me and caught up with me. Then slid his hands around my waist.

I noticed he had found a way to tuck his very erect member.

He did not button his shirt, so his chest was visible.

People were looking at us in awe, and I heard some people whispering.

"How did she do it?" I heard someone say, and I realised that Sylvester seemed impenetrable to them, but he was adorable with me.

"They look so good together," someone said, admiring us.

"You know she was a luna in the east. Not a virgin. He will dump her pretty soon," some hater said, and I wanted to laugh.

I felt Sylvester vibrate. He must have heard that last statement. I placed my hands on his chest to calm him down.

"Words don't get to me, Alpha," I assured him, and he relaxed, but he made sure he took note of the person that said it.

The woman was unsuspecting, but I was sure Sylvester was definitely going to deal with her.

We entered the dining room, and everyone was silent.

It was clear they were talking about us. Linda eyed my get-up and winked at me.

"Someone is finally getting some," she linked me, and I felt shy.

"You should too," I told her, and she looked away.

I looked at Avery, and she and Marcel seemed to have patched things up.

They were moving faster than any of us. Sylvester and I went to sit so the food could be served.

I looked at my friends. We were never really close, until circumstances brought us together.

Having the same problems made us create a bond, and it seemed to be strong.

I looked at the men we were with and realised we were making the right decisions that might lead to true happiness.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. We were supposed to be prisoners serving the Alphas. That was why they split us amongst themselves, but here we were, being treated like queens.

Avery and Linda were treated better than they were treated at home.

As for me, my broken heart was healed and learning to open again.

The meal was served, and Sylvester took my hand and kissed it. He was gentle about it too. His eyes said it all.

"Eat," he said, and I smiled at him because I knew why.

We ate, and while we did, we talked about the attack. Avery and Linda were yet to get off the 'high' of the fight.

"Those men were from Max's pack," Avery told us, and I was in shock.

"That was why I enjoyed it. I remembered some of the bastards. They always took Michelle's side against me." She said, going down memory lane, and Marcel pulled her close.

"At least your husband didn't make his men fuck you for his entertainment," Linda said, and I still could not believe Kyle would do that to her. I doubted Linda would ever recover from it.

"You can't relate because Leo was awesome; even Amanda could not turn him against you, other than sharing your bed," Avery said. We laughed to make light the situation.

Those scars would never heal, and I was grateful that the men allowed us to discuss it freely. It was helping the healing process for Avery and Linda. I believed I was healed.

"Honestly, I am glad. If not, I wouldn't be here." I said. Avery shook her head.

"We would have ended up here regardless. Kyle would have still gone ahead and done shit. Those men aren't worthy of leading. I suggest you take over the east before they waste innocent lives for personal gains." Avery told Sylvester, and he smiled at her.

He was being tolerant, and I admired that about him.

He understood that she was angry and she had the right to be.

No one deserved to be treated like that. Mia had some silver scars, and I knew they were from the beatings because we rarely fought battles in the east. The white wolf had suffered.

"I do not like taking over other regions. My father was the one that took over the west. As long as no one looks for my trouble, there is no need. I am sure the Alphas know what is best for their people. I am also sure Leonardo Albert will put them in check," Sylvester said and looked at me. He was searching my eyes for something, but there was nothing. Somehow, he was still afraid that my heart still belonged to Leo.


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