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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 24


After breakfast, I felt lost and bored.

Since they brought us to the estate, Sylvester had been around, and I had his attention, so the place felt new and lonely.

Avery and Marcel had things planned, and Linda and Theodore were getting to know each other; I could not inconvenience them.

I returned to our bedroom to think of all that Marcel had told me about Bane, the silent war, and the east.

I was worried for the east. The last thing I wanted was for the east to get caught up in a mess.

I didn't want to stress about it too much, so I decided I would hang out with Katya in the garden.

I knew some of the women in the harem liked to hang out in the garden, so I wore jeans from the new collection of clothes Sylvester got me, and his t-shirt to surround myself with his scent.

I held the t-shirt to my nose before wearing it.

I headed to the garden in high spirits.

When I got there, most of the women in the harem came to greet me. Katya approached, and we hugged.

"You look stunning in his t-shirt, Tamia," She said, and I smiled at her.

I found a place to sit, and some women came to sit around me.

I noticed Lilly from a distance, and she was looking at me with scorn, but I couldn't be bothered.

"Is it official? Are you the new woman in his life?" Katya asked me, and I frowned at her, wondering why she would ask me such a question.

"What do you mean by the new woman?" I asked her, accepting a cup of tea from one of the women.

I made sure I stylishly sniffed it before placing the cup against my tongue to pretend to take a sip, and then I put the cup down.

I wasn't stupid to drink something served by women in Sylvester's Harem whom he wasn't screwing.

"I mean, since he kicked Lilly to the curb and all," Katya said, explaining her question, and I laughed.

It was clear Lilly did not tell them the truth. I was about to speak when I saw her approaching us.

"See who decided to grace us," She said politely, and I smiled at her.

"I see you did not tell them the truth," I told her, and she shrugged.

"Alpha only said those things to make you happy, Tamia. Who am I to say he is lying? I am just a prisoner of war. If he said he wasn't screwing me so you would feel better, so be it," She said, trying to save face.

"Whatever makes you happy, Lilly," I said, and I noticed that the women had figured out what we were saying.

"So, you mean you have been lying to us all this while?" one woman asked, and Lilly shook her head.

"How can I be lying when we spent long hours in his office and his room?" She said, and I decided to change the topic.

Lilly was clearly ashamed and too embarrassed to own up to the truth. Since we had the same alpha, I could now link her.

"You need to be careful with your lies so he doesn't find out, Lilly," I said, and she frowned at me.

"Let us change the topic," I said to the women and stood up without drinking the tea.

It was my most innovative way of refusing to drink it.

I have read a book about back palace politics. I wouldn't want to be a victim.

"What do you ladies do for fun?" I asked, and Katya stood up.

"Painting, quilting, sewing, embroidery," She said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I want something that is fun and consumes energy. Don't get me wrong, those things are relaxing, but I do not want to relax." I said, and some of the women laughed.

"Croquet, Volleyball," Katya said, and I beamed at her.

"Now that will be fun. I say we play Volleyball and then wind down with Croquet." I said, and we headed to a field meant for Volleyball. We immediately formed our teams.

The women took off their tunics and gowns, leaving them wearing sexy lacey lingerie. I did the same, and the game was on.

Most of the guards came to watch.

It was my team against Lilly's team, and Katya was on my team.

Lilly seemed a bit relaxed because I did not embarrass her as she had thought I would.

I served the ball, and the rest was history.

We had a lot of fun, and the women were genuinely overjoyed.

Soon, makeshift courts were created so that others wouldn't have to wait too long for their turn.

It was so much fun that Avery joined us, and I looked and saw Marcel standing by.

It was supposed to be their day together since the Beta was always busy. I guess this was part of the fun they were having.

"Alpha won't be pleased seeing you playing in your underwear outside," Marcel warned, laughing, and I placed my index finger against my lips.

"Then this will be our secret," I said.

We had so much fun, and it turned into a party.

When we were tired of playing Volleyball, the guards came to set the place for Croquet.

It took time to set it up, allowing us time to catch our breaths.

While the guards set it up, we relaxed with wine and bite-size treats.

It somehow turned into a party, and I noticed some women were getting comfortable with the officers.

"Is that allowed?" I asked Katya, and she smiled.

"Of course. The Alpha, Beta and Gamma don't touch us, but we are allowed to date. There are some women who are currently married with children to top officers and ordinary people. I do not know why alpha calls it a harem," She said, and I hoped she was telling me the truth because I did not want anyone setting me up where Sylvester was concerned.

While they played Croquet, I went to meet Marcel where he was, to ask him if it was okay that the women flirt with the officers, and he nodded. Apparently, everyone was allowed to mingle except for my friends and me.

Soon it was evening, and we returned to freshen up and eat dinner.

I did not want to enter the room because I would miss Sylvester.

The moment I stepped into the room, I felt alone again.


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