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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 285


We were silent in the lounge for a while, and I reluctantly agreed to Erik's request, but I looked at Leo to be sure he was okay giving his blood. I knew Erik had already taken blood from him, so taking from him again would be too much.

"If Leo is fine with it. I would not impose," I said, leaving Leo to choose. Leo sighed and looked at Erik, a bit annoyed.

"You always have to take my blood, old man. I might soon start charging you for the goods," He said, and we all laughed at how Leo made light of the situation.

Erik tapped his shoulder and thanked him in advance.

"It will be wise to make the current serum while you still figure out the Alpha serum. At least if that one does not work, we will fall back on the original formula already tested," David said, and Erik nodded.

"We must keep Sean alive to use him as the guinea pig. We would be wrong to be the first to receive this drug. No Alpha, beta or Gamma should receive the serum until it has been tested on Sean. He is an Alpha. If it yields desirable results in his system, we can process it. Sylvester has already condemned him to death, so he will be doing this world a service by donating himself to science," Vino said, and we all laughed. He had a point with that. I liked the way Vino put it. Donating his body to science. I laughed heartily.

Levi and Wilson finally arrived with some files, and we stopped laughing and put back our serious expressions.

The documents seemed a bit much, and I wondered if we had the patience to go through all of them.

"Did you go through them?" I asked Levi, and he nodded.

"Queen Tamia and the Ladies helped us while you were away. Getting the documents was easy. There was no one at home. Larry's wife had gone out with the family, and they had laid off most of their staff, so it was easy to get in unnoticed and take the documents. We returned early, and Queen Tamia requested we go through the documents to save time," Wilson explained, and I was grateful.

Though Wilson and Tamia had started on the wrong foot when he slapped her while bringing her to the north, he had diligently worked hard to gain her trust and become her trusted officer. It was amazing to see.

"Very well, should I send for the queen, or did you memories the findings?" I asked, knowing that Tamia was resting and did not want to trouble her rest.

"We had it all written down. She made sure of it," Wilson said, and Levi took out a sheet of paper.

"There are Thirty-one properties altogether. Most of them are in the West. Two in the north, eight in the south between Hayland and Whitewood, now part of Hill Valley. The others are in the south.

According to the transactions, receipts and banking credits we found as part of the documents, Yuri seemed to stay more in the West and South.

Those were his most frequent places, and he seemed to like the property in Gad and Pridewood most," he explained, and I was surprised that he liked Pridewood. If so, then why raze it to the ground and murder everyone in it?

"He also owns the Clayman's mansion and Nicolas Sullivan's home in Pridewood and Lucland. Queen Tamia believes he has been sponsoring them through Larry for a long time. Listed among the properties is Jennifer Lawrence's property. She sold her mansion to Larry shortly after her husband passed on and has been paying a token as a lease since then.

Technically the property does not belong to Lawrence anymore. There are also bank statements of transactions where Larry sent money to many Stepanovs.

Lady Linda said we should trace the addresses of the account, and we should also freeze the accounts to render the owners financially handicapped. We are waiting for your approval and seal to carry out the task, your majesty," Levi said. I was impressed by the amount of work done while we were in the woods torturing Ighor. The women were busy, really, and I was grateful for it.

"You may go ahead and do as they have ordered," I told Levi and Wilson, and they nodded.

It was clear there was no need to go through the document anymore.

"Find someone to scan the document onto the system and put the physical evidence in the Library's archives for future reference," I told them, and they nodded.

They collected the documents, and both of them left us.

"Well, that was fast," Erik said, sounding amused, and Leo chuckled.

"Those women are that resourceful. The East was at its best when they were in charge. There are no loose ends with them," he said with a reminiscent tone.

I know he felt nostalgic for the old day and did not mean anything about it. One clear thing was that Leo had moved on and was utterly in love with Amelia, but he held on to his friendship with Tamia, which was a brave and strong thing to do. I doubted Linda and Avery would be able to do the same, but I could not compare them since Leo did not commit the same crimes as the other two men.

Levi and Wilson left, leaving us alone.

"Very well then, I think it is time for us to retire and rest," I said, and Erik raised his hand like a child in a classroom wanting the teacher to choose him so he could ask his question.

I chuckled and nodded towards him.

"When will you give me feedback on involving the Stepanovs?" He asked me a very crucial question. It was still uncertain, and I needed to be clear with him.

"Like I said, I would seek a second opinion from my wife. Since no one argued with me here when I said my mind, they all share the same views. I would prefer to hear it from Tamai's perspective, someone outside the conversation," I said and looked at the others.

"Please discuss this with your mates so we can get a balanced solution to this problem. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried seeing the rate of how easily these people joined Yuri and how passionate they are to give their lives for the cause. It is insane," I said, and Erik agreed and relaxed.

"Fair enough. I will await your response. The earlier, the better. Ten days might seem like much, but it is only a few days away." Erik said, and I appreciate his sensitivity to time.

We decided to retire, and I instructed the Omegas to serve us food in our rooms.


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