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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 287


Leo wasn't in bed when I woke up. Someone was knocking on the door. I did not know who it was but did not appreciate the disturbance.

I had planned to sleep longer this morning, but it seemed that wouldn't happen. I looked at the clock. It was almost eight in the morning.

"Amelia, Amelia," I heard Alexei's voice, and I wondered why he was banging on my door. I really missed our bungalow in Mountain. I couldn't wait for this thing to be over. There was nothing private about the place. I grumbled and felt a bit irritated.

"I am coming." I managed, and the banging stopped.

I got off the bed and went to the door.

I opened it and walked away from the door to brush my teeth. Whatever Alexei had to tell me could wait. I did not like having morning breath.

"Amelia," He said, and I raised my hands, signalling him to wait while I walked towards the bathroom.

I did not take too long to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth. I exited the bathroom, and he was still standing by the door. I did not spend up to five minutes, so it was fair.

"Good morning, big brother," I said, sounding slightly irritated, and he chuckled.

"Good morning. I apologise for disturbing you, but Leo seemed busy and asked me to handle it." He said, and I frowned at him, wondering what he had to handle.

He sighed and walked towards me. I noticed he was trying to find the right words, and that did not sit well with me. Such behaviour always indicates something serious. What could be serious that Leo could not tell me himself but sent Alexei to convey to me?

"Someone is here to see you," he said, and I frowned at him. I wondered who would come searching for me at the estate early in the morning. I was a guest at the Volkov Estate. Everyone I know who cared about me was in the estate. I wondered who would be there.

"Who?" I asked, and he sighed. There was difficulty and contemplation in his eyes. I could see that Alexei did not appreciate Leo putting him up to whatever he had to say.

"Your mother," he said, and I stepped backwards. I was in shock, and Alexei rushed towards me. He helped me sit on the couch while I tried to steady my breath.

"Take it easy, Amelia. It is expected she will search for you after the broadcast yesterday. She has been in hiding because of Yuri." He said, and he really sucked at giving shocking news.

"She is freshening up as we speak. She came here disguised as a madwoman. Please take it easy," He told me, and I just looked at him. Why would she come disguised as a madwoman? But then he did say she was hiding.

"Let me freshen up," I said, and he nodded.

"Clay and I will keep her company in the common lounge. Tamia said we could use the place. You can join us there when you are ready. Please do not take long," Alexei said, and I frowned at him.

"Do you know her?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"She sent my mother and me money when we were hiding in the north. She was a great support to our father and our family. She would send me and Clay extra funds, and she and Father would write letters. Until they attacked them in the West and killed Father, and she had to give you up and go into hiding. I tried to find her but gave up, not knowing what she looked like. You, on the other hand. It was difficult finding you too, but unlike you, she was aware of the dangers, and she hid well," He said and chuckled. There was a pain in his laugh, but I chose to ignore it.

There was fondness in his voice while he spoke of the woman he claimed was my mother, and I knew he was reminiscing. Too bad I did not have such memories. I had none.

"I will freshen up and join you two," I said and got up. Alexei held my hand and looked at me, pleading.

"Please take it easy on her. She did not have it easy either. I would give anything for my mother to be here. She wouldn't be alive if she did not go into hiding and stay away from you," He said, and I nodded.

He wasn't to tell me how to react. I could understand his sentiments, but she abandoned me with her Omega. What if I was kidnapped and killed? I went through shit. She should have taken me with her; we would have hidden together. I could not share the same sentiments as Alexei, but there was no need to tell him that.

I felt uneasy. I was angry and nervous at the same time. I tried to relax so I did not get to the point that it wouldn't affect my baby, but I couldn't. My body was going crazy. I stood under the shower and hugged myself, hoping the warm water would soothe my pain. Where was Leo? Why would he leave me to handle this alone? I seemed tough most of the time, but I did not want to face her alone.

Although this would have been good news, I felt angry. I felt she did what she did out of convenience. I felt robbed.

"Leo," I tried to link him, and there was silence.

"Leo," I said, feeling for him again.

"Amelia," he responded, and I exhaled.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"A bad rash. At the Infirmary. They have given us medication, and we are waiting for the itch and inflammation to subside. I am also a bit drowsy." He said, and I remembered the AgK32.

Erik did say the rash was a side effect, but he had said it would be mild. The lying bastard.

"Everyone is there?" I asked him, and it took a bit before he answered.

"Yes, including Sylvester. Everyone that was given the drug except for Devin, I heard he went through his last night, but he is better now," Leo said, and I knew the last part was for my benefit.

It would be best if I did not trouble him with my problems. Facing my mother alone would have to do.


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