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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 289


I held Tamia for a bit. I could feel the heaviness in her heart. She feared that if this lingered, we would spend too much time away from Liam and Harper. As things were, we were already missing out on a lot.

We had nine more days to go, and everything would end.

"I can't imagine my children not knowing me. You needed to see how indifferent Amelia was with her mother," she said and sniffled. Then she broke away.

"It wasn't like she was being mean. She just couldn't connect with the woman. There was no bond between them," Tamia said, and I wiped away her tears.

"Amelia grew up in an orphanage and has been through many things. I am sure she hasn't been vocal about all her ordeals. The harsh reality of her life has made her numb to certain things. You cannot expect her to show emotions like normal children. Her brothers did not grow up in an orphanage where they were labelled freaks. They both have memories of their parents, however brief. Amelia has nothing. She was kicked out at eighteen and lived on the streets for a while. Many things might have happened to her on the streets before she met Leo. She did not have the protection and guidance most people had growing up. Being distant, for Tamia, is normal. Do not worry about her; she will come around. But, the woman should not expect a mother-daughter relationship because it would never be like that. She has missed out on the bonding years," I said, and Tamia sighed and nodded. She understood my point.

"She is an Alpha, you know," She said, and it was surprising that Amelia's mother was an Alpha. I wonder if Luis mated with her for love or her breed.

"Soon, she won't have to go about disguised like a mad woman anymore," I said, and Tamia sighed.

"I hope Amelia allows her to build a relationship because the woman seems really happy to see Amelia. The deep sorrow in her eyes says it all." She said and fell back into my arms so I could hold her.

"We should end this bastard so he does not rob us of happiness. I doubt I can go any longer without my children." She said, and I gently caressed her back.

She broke the hug eventually, and I decided to discuss Erik's help with Tamia.

"I need to ask for your advice," I confessed, and Tamia looked at me.

"Won't you shower first?" She asked me, and I shook my head.

"I will do so when we have decided. It is urgent," I said, and she nodded.

"Erik wants to gather an army of Stepanovs to help us fight. Although that was part of the initial agreement, I do not want to do anything that would jeopardise our mission. Yuri has been hard to track down, and now that we have a time and location, I would not want to miss the opportunity to end the bastard. A lot is at stake, so I cannot carelessly trust people I do not know." I said, and she remained silent. I guess she expected me to elaborate.

" Erik does not know who he can trust. He is not sure who is on his side and who isn't. It also seems Yuri has gained more ground than him in the loyalty department. Take Ighor, for example. Erik did not want to believe he was on Yuri's side because he believed he was neutral," I said and sighed.

"What I am trying to say is Erik does not know the true intentions of the people around him. What if we let this person join us, and we end up teaming up with Yuri's spies? They might find a way to destroy us or tip Yuri off on our finds," I said, and she sighed.

Tamia led me to the couch so we could sit. Then she placed her warm palm over my hand.

"I understand your reservations," She said, and I was glad she saw my point.

"The last thing we want is for Yuri to cancel that meeting. We have exhausted a lot, and we do not have any more time to spare on this matter. Our eagerness to end the situation is the reason for your concerns," she said.

"But I also know we can't take them, even with the AgK32. If we are fighting pure Stepanovs, we will face people Like Alexei, Clay, Andrew and Amelia. You might not have paid attention during the fight in Brentwood, but I did. We watched most of it before we joined, and they were like a blur.

I doubt the AgK32 can help us that well. It might increase our chances, but I doubt we will succeed against pure Stepanovs," She said, and I waited for her to say what she wanted to say.

"What I am trying to tell you is whether we like it or not, we will need all the help we can get to win this, and we need Stepanovs on our side.

They can't all be the same, and I am sure most do not agree with Yuri's methods. Take Inkabod, for example. Most of them are serving him because they have no choice. You have given them a choice, freedom and a home. You have restored their lineage and name. They now have a choice, and I am sure they will willingly fight to keep what you have given them." She said.


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