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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 299


I did not waste any time asking Erik why the people had come to see me.

"Did they tell you why they are here?" I linked him back.

"Based on what we discussed. They have ordered their families to move and occupy the West. They are here to pay their respects and swear their allegiance," He linked back, and I did not know what to make of the sudden visit.

Somehow I was uncomfortable about it, but I had agreed to let them join us during the battle. My fear was that there was no guarantee that they were not working for Yuri.

"Can they be trusted, Erik?" I asked him, and there was silence.

"Like you said, I could not make out Ighor's allegiance to Yuri. At this point, I would not vouch for anyone, but I know that they reject Yuri's methods and ideology. If that is good enough to convince you, then I would tell you Yes, but if not, that is the best I got," He replied honestly, and I sighed.

"Tell Alexei and Clay about it. I will convey this to the people on my side and get back to you on the matter," I told Erik and closed the connection.

Leo's idea that everyone should be connected to me was productive because it made communication easier and saved us time.

I linked Marcel, Theodore, David, Vino, Devin, Leo, Alexei, Clay and Andrew to join me in my office while I headed there, walking briskly. Although Erik was going to tell Alexei and Clay, I needed multiple opinions to decide on what to do.

I might be the king, but they all had stakes in the matter.

Everyone had something dear to lose. No one's loss was more significant than the other giving us equal stakes in the matter. A unanimous agreement was required for us to proceed.

They arrived at my office individually. Twenty minutes after I had linked them.

David was the first to arrive, followed by a very tired Dominic, then Marcel. Vino came in thirty minutes, followed by Leo and then Theodore. Alexei, Clay and Andrew were the last to arrive. Seeing the Stepanovs, I knew they figured out the reason for the meeting, but the rest didn't.

"Some Family heads of members of the Stepanov clan are here to see me. I do not know if I should give them an audience, and if I should, I do not know where will be safest," I said, and everyone was silent.

I looked at Marcel and Theodore, who seemed to be processing my words; they all were, and I remained on my chair, patiently awaiting their response.

"I would lie if I said I'm not worried. What if it is a trap by Yuri to lure you out?" Marcel said, voicing his fears, and the rest shared this opinion.

"They can't work with Yuri. They loathe him," Andrew said, and I did not know if his opinion would be enough.

"That was how Erik said Ighor was a neutral party, only to find out that he single handed came to shoot at us just to help Yuri's cause," Devin said, sounding slightly annoyed. He had a point, but Andrew disagreed.

"Ighor was indeed a neutral party. I still find it hard to believe that he shifted allegiance. The people in question aren't Neutral. They are in Erik's camp. They have a falling out with Yuri because they do not trust his ideals.

Erik has worsened their hatred towards Yuri by recently exposing how Yuri used my father to murder Luis because he wanted to mate with Gezel.

Gezel's confession also contributed to it. I will advise you to see them and ensure Gezel is with you. They need to know the truth. The AgK32 is good, but Yuri's inner caucus consists of true Stepanovs. Not half-breeds but people that were a product of the many years of inbreeding.

They are strong and fast, and resilient. We will need all the help we can get. The number Ighor gave us was an estimation, and knowing he was the source; it might be misleading too," Andrew said immediately without leaving room for argument.

"So you propose Sylvester endangers his life by seeing them?" Vino asked, sounding worried, and Andrew nodded.

"I propose Sylvester grant them an audience in a space he can control. They won't be able to pump silver in the air, and people will not be able to attack from the outside. Somewhere isolated where Sylvester has ultimate power. Where enemies would think twice before attacking. His interactions with them would determine if he can trust them," Andrew said, and Devin nodded, understanding his point.

"So, where do you propose?" Marcel asked him.

"The estate," Andrew said, and we were silent.

"Think about it. They will be searched thoroughly, and their devices confiscated at the gate. They can't attack you and succeed in the estate. We are all here, and you have a very strong guard here. We also have AgK32 here, just in case. I think it will work out here. But I will tell you now, knowing the people in question, we have nothing to worry about. They will be loyal." He said, and it sounded like a plan.

I was curious to see how the Stepanov family heads' minds worked and their plans. Andrew was right about meeting them. It would be wise to see them, especially if I would rely on them to help me attack Yuri and his people in Gad. We have to have some trust between us and respect one another.

"Very well then, if everyone is in favour of me seeing them here, I will tell Erik to set it up for this evening because Leo will be leaving in the morning. Lucland City isn't that far away from here; They can easily make it and return to the city without stress.

I linked Erik to inform the stephanotis to Join me in the estate. Then I told Leo to inform Gezel to get ready. I also linked Bryce and Levi to ensure the visitors would be checked and watched when they arrived.

Everyone dispersed, and I went to my room to take a short nap. I needed to rest and gather my strength pending when My guest arrived. I needed some shut-eye and plan to get it. I got to the room, took off my clothes, leaving only my boxers on and fell asleep.

I woke up to some noise. It was subtle, but I did not need to guess who it was because her scent filled my senses.

"Green eyes," I groaned, managing to open my eyes. I sat in bed, and she joined me in her underwear.

"I didn't want to wake you," She said gently, touching my face.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She looked tired.

We both needed the rest, but it was good that she was occupied. That way, she wouldn't overthink missing Harper and Liam.

"How is the arsenal going," I teased her, and she smiled and kissed me. She looked gorgeous, and her scent was inviting.


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