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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 302


We arrived at Mountain without issues. I wasn't fooled by the false peace, but I knew it meant Yuri was either out of the East or had no influence in the region. Maybe he was busy with other things; I was grateful.

Seeing a few people above ground, I realised how important dealing with this issue would be. There was a vast difference between the atmosphere of Lucland and Mountain.

"Where are the people?" I heard Gezel say, and Amelia sighed.

"They are in bunkers around the settlement. We did not want to risk what happened in the South, so we decided they should go under mostly the women, children, and teenagers." Amelia explained to Gezel, and Gezel nodded, still looking out the window.

"So you are head Luna of the East?' Gezel asked her with a smile, and Amelia nodded.

"Lady of the East," she corrected, and we all laughed.

Gezel's gaze was soft and longing. She had so much to tell her daughter but did not have the words. I hoped one day she would. I also planned to talk her out of joining us to fight. I needed to do my best before telling Amelia of her mother's decision.

We arrived at the settlement in front of the massive packhouse.

My parents, Susan's parents, Casper and Max, were waiting outside to receive us. I also noticed many people were roaming about the settlement. I did not need to guess who they were. They were most likely warriors from other eastern packs.

Kappas came to carry the AgK32 serum given to me to administer to my men when we get to the West. Since we wouldn't use it now, I instructed Casper to guard the serum heavily.

Max shook my hand and hugged me. I returned the hug and thanked him for everything.

"Thank you for finding them, Max," I said, and he nodded.

Kyle cleared his throat, and we all laughed because it was a sign of jealousy.

"I have already thanked you, Kyle," I said, and he shook his head.

"Not enough. You sent me to fight those freaks," He complained, and we laughed.

"Gezel," I heard my father say, looking at Amelia's mother, and I wondered who else knew this woman.

"Richardo, it is nice seeing you again," Gezel said with a smile, and my mother went to hug her.

"Sorry about Luis," My mother said with a comforting tone; Gezel's voice cracked, and she returned the hug.

It was clear the woman was still hurting. I did not know if there was anything anyone could say or do to alleviate her pain. It would be constant.

"You didn't call me not once, Amelia," I heard my mother scold Amelia, and Susan's mother scolded Susan too.

"Not even a text message to let us know you are fine. Is that how to treat us?" They asked, and the women were speechless.

"We had our share of problems in the North. Devin almost died, Momma," Susan responded, and Rebecca gasped, likewise, my mother.

"What happened?" they asked, and I sighed.

"The least you can do is let us in," I complained, and Max laughed. We all entered the building, and Macy was there to receive orders from Amelia.

Amelia allocated a room to everyone, including her mother, and then we went to our bedroom.

When we entered the room, she sighed and sat on the bed.

I could tell she was exhausted.

"I can't believe we are back home," She said, and I nodded without saying a word.

I wanted to give Max time to set things in motion, so I decided to speak to Gezel before meeting with the Eastern alphas. I planned to hit the ground running. There was no time to waste. Once everything is in place, I can spend time with my mate.

"Amelia, I want to take care of some business; link me if you need me, and I will come running," I said, and she giggled.

"Literally speaking?" She asked me, and I nodded.

She lay down on the bed and smiled.

"I need to catch up on my sleep. Making those darts took a lot of time. I do not know what Tamia wants to do with all the darts she made us make. It isn't like we could use it for battle. I doubt there will be time to shoot them all. Linda complained, and Avery…, well, that one slept most of the time," she said, yawning, and I knew she was tired.

I left the room and headed toward's Gezel's room. I did not hesitate to knock on her door, and she opened it after the first knock. She did not even ask who it was. She just opened the door.

"Leo," she said, a bit surprised.

"Who were you expecting?" I asked her, and she stepped aside for me to enter.

"I was expecting your parents. It has been a long time since I heard from them. Luis was alive when I saw Richardo and Martha. They had come to see how Luis was doing and warn him of Yuri's plans," She said and almost slipped down memory lane. I did not come for that, so I nodded quickly and sighed.

"I am glad you can connect again. They did not tell me they knew you. I think they believed you were killed. Anyway, that isn't why I am here. I am here to discuss something vital," I said, and she was attentive.

"Please sit. I am yet to settle in, but it is a nice room," She said, complementing the place.

"Thank you. Amelia fixed up the place," I said, and she smiled. There was an awkward silence between us, and I broke it.

"Gezel, why would you request to fight?" I asked, and she looked at me surprised.

"It is my decision to fight and kill those responsible for Luis' death." She said coldly, and I shook my head.

"Erik had already executed Mikhail..' I said, and she interrupted me.

"I want my pound of flesh, Leo. They took everything from me for no reason. Luis was everything, Amelia was everything, and I lost it all. They forced me to go into hiding like a coward. They stole my wealth and everything that had to do with the Westwoods. I deserve my revenge." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"But you will get it, Gezel. We will get it for you?" I said, and she shook her head.


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