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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 307


The days went by fast. I needed to breathe to stop and think, but there was no time for it. Jake was recovering well, and Vino was training most of the time.

There were moments I had the urge to just leave because, deep down, I didn't see all of them coming home.

Sylvester's talk about what we should do if they fall got to me, making me wonder if I had been cursed. My husband died, and then I met my fated. It should be a happy feeling, but it wasn't because danger loomed from the moment I saw him. I did not know what to do. I was a woman of few words; somehow, my words had become fewer over the weeks.

Keeping calm amid everything was difficult, but I had to. I knew nothing would lift me up if I broke down, so this would have to do.

Jake had finally woken up, but sadly, he could not feel his wolf. Erik had told him to give it time, especially since he was still weak, but I doubted the time would work. Melvin had said that was one of the outcomes if anyone survived his lethal position. If Jake's wolf ever returns, then it would be a miracle. Stephanie did not seem to care about that; she was glad he was alive. I could understand her position. I would be grateful, too, if I were in her shoes.

I sat on the couch in Erik's lab, thinking about what I would do If I lost Vino and couldn't figure it out.

Life had mistreated me, and I doubted it would make an exception for me and bring Vino home to me.

I doubted it, but I had a tiny hope that he would survive. Amelia and Susan were on their way from the East, so I figured Vino's time to head to Gad was drawing near.

Was it possible to freeze time? I would wave a wand and freeze everything to have more time with him and the others. Could I be given that power?

"Claudia, you should retire. You do not look well," I heard Stephanie's voice. It snapped me out of my deep thought, and I looked at her.

I hadn't looked in the mirror in a while. I knew I looked awful, but I did not care. Nothing really mattered anymore.

I looked at her while she sat beside Jake's bed, holding onto his hand. The man had fallen back to sleep again, but he was in the clear.

"You should eat something, Stephanie. You have lost too much weight. I will ask the omegas to bring you something," I said, with a calm, unaffected tone, and she looked like she was more concerned about me than her health.

"Have some faith, Claudia. They will return in one peace. Sometimes faith is all it takes," she said, and I sighed because I had nothing to tell her.

"Thank you, Stephanie," I finally managed and got up. I headed out.

Erik was snoring on one of the beds in his lab. The man did not seem affected by all this. If anything, he was mad they won't be taking him to battle, but Sylvester's reasons were valid. He was too valuable. I have never met someone with a beautiful mind like Erik. He was a genius; having him die in battle would be a waste.

I headed back to the mansion or palace. I did not know what to call the building, but the thing was huge with many rooms.

I wondered if Vino, the triplets and I will have to live here once everything was over. Hopefully not, because I would go crazy.

I would prefer a place that I can make into a home. Something private and personal, with maybe just two Omegas in attendance and few security details. I wouldn't be able to deal in this building, but it wasn't up to me really because as things were, it seems, Vino would not want to be apart from his brothers. Whatever he decides, he has my full support.

I returned to our bedroom, and Vino was there. I was shocked to see him.

"Early," I said, and he smiled at me.


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