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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 312


"This is it, Leo," Black said, ready to take over.

"We fight to live," I told my wolf and began to feel the transformation.

It was different because of the Agk32, confidence came with Black, and I held on to it because I needed it.

"Shift and fight," I linked everyone at once, and wolves began to jump out of different places. They were my wolves from the east, and they were ready for battle.

Black took over completely, and we had all shifted.

Knight stood beside me as should be and growled at Yuri's white wolf.

The bastard's wolf looked too much like Amelia's with blue eyes. Instead of being a hindrance because it reminded me of Aurora, it reminded me that I must survive and get home quickly.

We waited for Yuri's wolf to advance, but the wolf stepped back, indicating he wouldn't lead the battle.

His wolves covered him and roared at us, daring us to pass through them to get to him. What a coward. Having others fight his battle wasn't King or leader quality at all.

We were disadvantaged because we would be fighting from all angles. We were surrounded by Yuri's men that were in the buildings. I hoped Alexei's men would get there on time and join us. Hopefully, they are on our side.

Regardless, we lunged at the Stepanovs in formation and began to fight.

Our might was almost the same, and I could smell their surprise. They had thought we would be an easy kill, but it didn't seem like it.

Three Stepanovs advanced towards me, and I commanded them to a halt. While they were fighting my command, I finished them off. Then I pushed myself into the air and landed on the wolf advancing with my paw.

It fell to the ground and skidded on its side, scarping its furr in the dirt. There was blood, and it must have hurt. I liked it. I chased the wolf before his body halted and tore out his flesh, exposing his spine. Then broke his back.

"Is everyone alright?" I linked everyone, and they replied.

"My men are almost here," Alexei linked me, and I was grateful.

It took about thirty minutes for Alexei's men to arrive, and luckily, they were on our side.

The Staponovs did not see this coming, as I noticed they were beginning to fear the battle's outcome.

We opted to tag team like we did in Brentwood. Vino and I joined forces, and we began to move.

We maintained our teams like we did in Brentwood, with the exception of Amelia's absence, but it didn't change much.

We tore through flesh and broke bones. Alexei's men did not allow the Stepanovs surrounding us to get to us while we fought through the formation, trying to get to Yuri.

While we advanced, Vino's wolf leapt at me, and I felt a caw dig into my side.

I thought it was Vino, but it was two Stepanov wolves, and Vino was trying to protect me.

One of the wolves had caught Vino's neck, ready to kill his wolf.

I moved and bit its leg, then pulled with all my might so he would let go of Vino's unconscious wolf.

I tried to command the bastard, but he was stubborn. He was a pure breed.

I felt claws dig into my side deep this time around.

There was a putrid smell of poison in the blow, but I refused to let go of the wolf I was holding; I broke through his bones with my jaw, and he let go of Vino's wolf, who lay motionless on the floor. I did not know if he had succeeded, but I knew I could not stop to check.

"Vino, are you alright," I linked him, but no response came.

I advanced with tears welling up in my eyes. I began to wonder if we would make it out alive.

I noticed more warriors were coming out of the Theater and joining the fight, making their number seem endless.

We fought like rabid wolves but was our strength and determination enough to get us home to our mates?

"Theo has fallen," Alexei linked me, and I kept pushing.

Yuri was a bloody coward; he knew we would tire before we got to him.

I hoped to disappoint him.

Summoning all my strength, I tore through the wolves like rags and tore their flesh. I did not target any specific part. I fought like a blind man.

The loud growls I heard coming from Knight and the others meant they were doing the same. There was no point in being strategic; we could die, but we would ensure they did not live either. Failure wasn't an option. We aimed to succeed even if it cost us our lives.

"The Stepanovs surrounding us are all down; my men are advancing," Alexei said. I did not feel relief because it was clear people were joining the battle from inside the theatre.

We needed to move quickly and get to Yuri.

The fight lasted almost three hours, and we were worn out.

I wondered where the new supplies of warriors on the enemy's side came from.

"Why are they not ending?" I heard Marcel; I could feel his fatigue and fear.

"Let's press on," Clay urged us, but some of us were down by then.

Dominic, Vino, Theodore and Andrew were down. I did not want to think of it, but I believed they were dead because I could not feel them.

"Let's try to fight through the Stepanovs to get to Yuri," I linked everyone, and we had to decide what to do fast while we fought.

"Sylvester, you and I will pierce through the crowd while the others will fight off threats and hindrances. Once we get inside the Theater, we find Yuri and Eliminate him. Once Yuri is dead, the troops will stop coming," I said, hoping that would happen, not that someone else would take over until we were all down.

"Okay, Leo, Let's do this," Sylvester linked back with sorrow. He was afraid he had lost people. Too. We would only know once the battle was over. Whatever it is, the earlier the battle ends, the likelier we can save our people.

Seeing the force, we were fighting, we knew we would be hopeless. We needed more help, but we doubted it would come. I could feel all our resolve. I pleaded with Amelia and my unborn child to forgive me for not being able to keep my promise and go home, but I knew this would be it.

We were about to barrel through when weird-looking werewolves came from nowhere to join the battle.

I thought they were part of Yuri's set, but to my surprise, they weren't. They were fighting on our side.

Soon I figured they were Gad pack members, both warriors and none warriors. The people of Gad had come to our aid.

Knight growled with gratitude, and they responded while they tore through the Stepanovs.

Apparently, Agk32 wouldn't be necessary since the stepanovs did not come with silver dust.

Their overconfidence was going to cost them.

The new additions to the battle had alphas in their midst that had full access to their command because they did not have Agk32 in their system.

"I guess the goddess answered our prayers," Alexei finally linked me, and I turned to look at his wolf.

He was limping, and one eye was closed. I did not know he was severely injured until that moment.

"You should stand down," I linked him, and he howled.

"That bastard hunted my parents and killed them. He is the reason for this war; I want to be a part of his demise," He linked me back, and I knew I could not deprive him of his revenge.

Rex, Devin's wolf, came towards me covered in blood. It wasn't his blood, and I knew he had killed many Stepanovs.

"Are you going after that bastard?" He linked me, and I told him we were.

"Then I am coming," he linked back, his wolf growling. He was angry.

"That bastard stole my home. Made me a laughing stock. I must pay him back for what he did in Pridewood," He linked the three of us weakly.

The serum had affected him too. I knew there was no need to talk Devin out of it. I could see the rage in his eyes.

"I want to bundle him and take him back to the north, where I can do terrible things to him," Sylvester said and being the King, we had to obey his wish.

A clear path was created into the theatre. While we moved through, I watched as Gad's pack members and Alexei's men massacred the enemies.

I hoped the pack members would not kill Alexei's men because they looked like Yuri's men. So far, they were not killing each other, so I think they had found a way.

We entered the theatre, and it was empty. I wondered where Yuri had gone.

"The bastard is a bloody coward. He has run away," Devin linked me.

"We can't let him get away, Leo," Sylvester linked me weakly, and we did not know how to get him.

Fortunately for us, he had dropped his trench coat on the floor. We could quickly get his scent from the trench coat and sniff him out.

"Someone bring me Yuri's trench coat now," I ordered through the mind link, and we waited.

"I doubt he is still in this place," Alexei linked me, and Sylvester and Devin agreed.

"If he ran, he must have gone through the back or slipped away. The crowd," Sylvester linked us.


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