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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 314


I wasn't a warrior, neither had I ever led a battle before, but here we were. There was no time to contemplate what to do. Tamia had entrusted me with a task, and I had to do it. I did not know I was nervous until my mother placed her hand over mine.

"Stay close to me, darling. I will walk you through the process," she reassured me.

I knew Tamia had given me command because of the mind-link communication. I was the only one whose abilities were not impaired. I had to make it work.

"I am coming to you," I heard Erik in my head, and I relaxed a little. I was glad I wouldn't be doing this alone.

We began wearing belts that held the darts and the guns. The guns were automatic loaders, so shooting the darts would be fast and easy. I hoped we would have the time to aim and shoot because, unlike the first time, when we were on offence and positioned ourselves away from the enemy's eyes, we were in defence now and would be in plain sight defending ourselves and our territory.

"Have the men position and shoot down as many attackers as possible. Reach out to Wilson to give you the situation report," Tamia ordered me, and I nodded immediately.

"Orders from the Queen. All possessing darts should begin to fire and eliminate as many intruders as possible. Kappa Wilson, can you hear me?" I linked everyone because I did not know which of the connection was Kappa Wilson. But fortunately, he responded.

"Lady Albert, loud and clear," He replied; his connection was weak, but it was better than silence.

"What is the situation report?" I asked him.

"Many people are trooping in from the main gate and fences. I have lost count, but they are plenty, over a hundred. They are on the premise from all angles.

They are fast and have taken down some of our men, but the darts are working in our favour. The only issue is we do not know how many enemies we are facing because they are still coming in. Another unfortunate aspect is they are good at dodging and taking on the shooters; we will soon need to engage physically," he said, and there was a lot of difficulty in his communication. Still, I was able to make out the link.

I narrated all he had told me to Tamia, and the worry in her eyes showed her fear. I tried to mask mine and be hopeful, but I knew it was just as obvious as Tamia's.

"Uncle Erik is on his way here," I added, hoping it would be good news. Tamia was in deep thought, and then she snapped out of it.

"I need you all to be focused and determined. I need you to drive away the fear and hold your ground. This is for the sake of our future and our children's future," Tamia said to us.

Her voice was shaky, but I could see her resolve. Her resolve boosted my confidence, and I felt hope coming through. Aurora was also gearing up for a fight. I planned to give it my all, knowing it was the same for the others. None of us will fall tonight.

Tamia's words touched deep into my soul. I felt the fear dissipate, and a new resolve replaced it. I nodded at Tamia, feeling honoured, and all the women urged me to lead them. I had never done this before, but there was always a first. It was indeed an honour.

We headed out, and Erik joined us in his shorts, holding a dart gun and darts.

"Gezel," He said to my mother, and she nodded.

We headed out of the Estate, and it was a massacre outside. The fight was scattered, and no people or wolves had distinct features. Yuri did not send pure breeds to fight us. I felt a tinge of relief, but I did not plan to underestimate the attackers.

I did not know who was winning, but bodies and brown wolves were on the floor, meaning both sides were dying.

"Move to the centre," I linked everyone, and no one questioned me.

I wanted us to move to a point where I could link our men on the ground to move to our side at the centre of the land to create a clear demarcation between the enemies and us. That way, I would know what the enemy looked like. The worst that could happen is us killing our people, who weren't much anymore. I was trying to avoid that.

Erik and my mother led in front, and we moved to the centre. The entrance gate was far but in clear view; we were midway between the building and the gate. I saw people jump over the fences into the compound. They were Stepannovs because the silver on the fence did not affect them.

"Everyone join us at the centre and fall behind us now! I want a clear demarcation," I linked all our warriors, and people soon began to move towards us.

"Shoot at those that are trying to attack," I linked the ladies, my mother and Uncle Erik, and we began to aim and fire.

As I had suspected, not all of them were fair-haired, but they were Stepanovs, just not the pure breeds like me.

We needed them to shift to differentiate between our men and theirs.

Seeing the number, they were well over a hundred. As much as fear tried to creep back in, I only thought about Leo and my unborn child.

Tamai was the first to run out of drats and shift. We all threw the guns away and shifted. That was when the battle began.

A sudden madness came over Aurora. With a need to survive, and a desire to eliminate the enemy, I tore at flesh as I pushed through the attackers.

I did not plan to go down easily. We all deserve to live. We deserve our happiness, and we will take it by force.

Tamia, Nicole and Linda moved ahead of Susan and me, leaping into the air and landing hard on the backs of grey wolves. Breaking theirs back and rendering them useless.

There was blood all over Kaira, and her eyes were raving mad.


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