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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 332


The words I uttered left my parent in a state of shock, evident from the look in their eyes. My father stood before me, rendered speechless, and I couldn't bring myself to meet my mother's gaze.

Though my actions were impulsive, I stood by them wholeheartedly. I had carefully considered everything, engaging in discussions with my sister and cousins during our journey home. When I heard Sophia's distressed voice on the phone, I realised I couldn't remain passive, waiting for someone else to come to her rescue. I had to take action. While everyone else sought retribution, I was the only one determined to uncover the truth. I yearned to understand why Mike had committed such acts, and I was resolute in my mission to save Sophia.

"No, absolutely not," my mother's voice cut through the air, and I turned to face her.

"Liam, are you out of your mind? You've just returned home. You graduated yesterday, and now you want to throw your life away in haste. We know nothing about Alpha Thompson's involvement or the gravity of the situation in Grizlo that led to the conflict with Mike. We are unaware of the extent of the troubles that plague Grizlo. Why do you think we asked your grandparents to come here instead of staying there? Grizlo is their home. We wanted to protect them, and now you want us to send you there? Why, Liam? Let it go. Christian will handle it and determine if Mike is innocent or if there are other factors at play. It's his predicament, not ours," she pleaded, and I silently acknowledged her concerns.

"That's precisely my point. You shouldn't perceive it solely as Alpha Christian's problem. If the issue proves to be larger than Grizlo itself and he fails to contain it, it will affect us as well. Besides, Head Alpha Christian isn't searching for them to resolve the problem or shield them; he's pursuing them to exact justice. He's hunting down the Maguires so that Mike pays the full price for his crimes. It's not a fair chance," I asserted, and she shook her head in disbelief.

"I will make sure your father speaks to Christian; I won't allow you to go there. The position of the alpha of Grizlo is precarious at the moment. Choose something else, perhaps a role in Lucland, anything for your first assignment, but not Grizlo. I'm begging you, Liam," she pleaded, her eyes glistening with tears.

"You have no idea how terrified I was when they were searching for you, knowing that Mike had committed murder and there was a chance you had gone to his house. Have some compassion for me. Your father and I are too young to bear this level of stress, Liam. And you, you're too young for all of this too. Let her go," she implored, her voice filled with desperation. I shook my head and turned to my father. His expression showed his disapproval, evident in his eyes.

"No," he stated firmly, and I remained standing my ground.

"If you don't allow me to go there officially, then I'll go to Grizlo on my own and investigate. I can do it," I declared, causing my mother to gasp in shock.

"Liam, you need to calm down," Harper interjected, reaching out to me, but I couldn't. Every passing second was critical, and six hours had already slipped away since the phone call. The number Sophia used to contact me remained unreachable. Anything could have happened. Every second counted.

I gazed at my mother, her eyes still teary. I rarely witnessed her cry, so my request must have deeply frightened her.

"Please, Mom, try to understand. I can't just sit idly and do nothing. Sophia's life is in danger. She told me she was being held captive along with her mother by some men. That was six hours ago, and I haven't been able to reach her since then. I'm desperate," I pleaded, and she wiped away her tears, contemplating my words.

"I will personally contact Alpha Christian and plead with him to make an exception if they find Sophia and her mother. But I can't let you go, Liam. Mike can't recklessly gamble with his life and his family's only for me to lose my son in the process. I can't bear that," she expressed, and I shook my head in frustration.

"What if Alpha Christian doesn't find them, Mother? What if it's already too late?" I countered, desperation tinging my voice. My father interjected, his tone calm yet resolute.

"If Alpha Christian can't locate her, then neither can you. And if time is of the essence, then it's already beyond our reach. If those who have taken her and her mother want them dead, there's nothing we can do. Sending you to Grizlo won't change the outcome, Liam. I understand your emotions all too well, but if they are in the wrong hands, finding her again becomes nearly impossible. It's no longer solely in the hands of her parents," my father explained, his voice filled with wisdom.

"I know how you're feeling, son. I've been in your position before, though not under such dire circumstances. It was significant to me at the time. From my experience, I can tell you this: fate has its own way of unfolding events, Liam. I urge you to follow the natural course of your life and let go. Sophia is a gentle soul, and I wish she had better options, but right now, there's little you can do. None of us can," he advised his words resonating deeply within me. However, I couldn't bring myself to give up. I glanced at my mother, then at Harper, battling to hold back my tears.

"Last night was meant to be wonderful," I confessed, my voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and determination.


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