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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 336


The weekend arrived, and as my father had promised, we set off for Lucland. Everyone else went to the city, except for our grandparents who chose to stay at the estate. We didn't go to our mansion because it wouldn't accommodate all of us. Instead, we went to the Stepanov estate, where Lord Newton and his wife were present, making it a suitable alternative.

I found it difficult to concentrate. My desperate desire was to go East and implore Uncle Leo for his assistance. Since I hadn't received any further communication from Sophia, I could only hope that she was safe.

In order not to dampen the mood, I made it my duty to conceal my feelings and fears throughout the weekend.

Harper could see through my pretence, but she allowed me to keep up the charade. Meanwhile, Charlotte, Gemma, and Jewels were preoccupied with plotting ways to sneak off and explore the Islands when we reached Mountain. The triplets were daring and persistent, and I was grateful that they were taking on those adventures on my behalf.

As the weekend came to a close, my mother took Keith, Joseph, and Eleanor to school. My mother seemed to have a stronger attachment to Keith and Joseph than she did to Harper and me. She was reluctant to let them go, but anyone who was to serve in our world had to attend an academy. I knew my brothers would have a great time there, and I hoped their experience would be as joyful as my time in Grizlo.

Before we departed for the estate, Lord Newton extended a final invitation for us to have dinner together, and it turned out to be a fantastic evening. Uncle David and Aunt Nicole added a lively spark to the gathering. My uncle seemed to possess an endless supply of jokes and sarcasm, and his wife's laughter filled the room with energy.

I was taken aback when my cousin Justin joined us. I was aware that Aunt Nicole had reservations about his involvement, but she ceased her objections once he embraced the opportunity to be the temporary alpha of Grizlo.

During the dinner, Justin approached me and asked if I'd accompany him for a walk in the garden. Intrigued, I followed him as we slipped away from the crowd, finding solace in the peaceful surroundings.

"So, how have you been holding up? Charlotte filled me in on everything," he inquired, and I sensed that Charlotte played a role in his decision to go to Grizlo.

"Did she manage to convince you?" I questioned with a chuckle.

"Are you kidding me, Liam? We were all waiting for you two to finally admit your feelings. The signs were evident. It's just an unfortunate circumstance. But anything we can do to make it work, count me in," he replied, playfully tousling my hair as he used to when I was younger.

Despite the age gap, being around Justin was effortless. He was like an older brother to me, even though we were cousins. He was someone I could always depend on, no matter what. I was grateful that he embraced the situation and offered his support.

"When do you think we'll be heading to Grizlo?" I inquired, and Justin came to a halt, his steps matching the pause in conversation.

"As soon as we're finished with Mountain. Aunt Amelia insists that all of us be present, so there's no escaping it. My mother has this notion that my mate is in Mountain. I highly doubt it, but you know how she is. I'll humour her and go along with it. Honestly, I'm not ready to settle down. I'm only twenty-six, and I feel like I still have my whole life ahead of me," he expressed, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Justin's laughter subsided, and he looked at me intently. I could sense that he had something profound to share, something I might not necessarily be receptive to. It was evident in his eyes.

"Go ahead, tell me," I mustered the courage to meet my cousin's gaze, sensing his shift from joy to concern.


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