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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 34


After the strange discussion with Stephanie, I wasn't looking forward to lunch or Dinner.

I noticed she cared about Sylvester and was possessive about him, too. I needed to be careful not to cause problems between them.

I sat on the couch in our bedroom, observing what Lilly and Sylvester were doing.

Although my eyes were fixed on them, Stephanie's words troubled me because they meant she was pretending the day we met.

Lily was at the computer in the bedroom working on the codes. At the same time, Sylvester monitored her, and I saw that he liked her in a sisterly manner. It was just sad that she had to spread lies about their relationship.

I was silent all through and wasn't looking forward to stepping out of the room.

Soon, it was lunchtime, and Sylvester felt it would be polite to eat with his mother. I could not say no, so I agreed to go with him.

Lilly left our room, and Sylvester joined me on the couch.

"You have been awfully silent since my mother arrived," he said, kissing the back of my hand, and then he moved to my neck.

It was official that Sylvester could not keep his hands off me, and I liked it.

"My mark will be here, and you won't wear your hair down when we are outside. I want everyone to see it," he said, kissing the spot.

I smiled, and he placed his hands on my thighs.

"Sylvester, we will soon be going for lunch. You know I do not like quickies," I said, and he teased me.

"You have been awfully glum since you returned. I was hoping you could share," he said, and I knew he was serious even though he sounded playful.

I looked at him and studied his eyes.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked him, and he smiled.

"I love a strong woman that knows what she wants, can say no and damn the consequences. When I lifted your chin, and you stared into my eyes, against Marcel's warning, my wolf found a kindred spirit in Kaira. I was enthralled." He said, and I laughed.

"Basically, you like stubborn women," I said, and he shook his head.

"No, you are just an exception, and I do not want you generalising what we have or how I feel about you," he said and kissed my lips.

"Did she talk about my scent on you?" He asked me, sensing his mother must have said something, and I shook my head.

"She said she would like to get to know me," I said, which was the nicer version of what went down.

"Alright, well we have thirty minutes before lunch, and we can arrive there late anyway." He said, tugging on my dress, and I let him. We were behaving like teenagers in love.

He wanted me to ride him on the couch, and I giggled because my skills had paid off somehow.

"Careful, wolf lord, you are getting addicted," I teased, and he grabbed onto my arse with his dark wolf eyes.

"I am already addicted," He said, and my pussy clenched.

We spent forty-five minutes in the room making love. Sylvester fought Knight from sinking his teeth in. It was clear his wolf was eager to own me.

We got dressed and headed to the dining room.

Marcel, Theodore, Avery, and Linda were not there for the first time. Instead, it was Stephanie, Dominic and Glenda.

"Why is she here?" Sylvester asked, pointing at Glenda.

"The same reason why she is here," Dominic said, pointing at me.

Sylvester did not get angry, and we sat down.

He sat at the head where he usually sat with me by his side, and his mother sat on Theodore's seat. At the same time, Glenda and Dominic occupied Marcel and Avery's seats.

I wished, just like our friends, Sylvester and I had lunch in our room.

"How do you like your room, mother?" Sylvester asked her, and she smiled.

"Tastefully done," She said with approval looking at me.

She was studying her son to see if I had told him anything. She knew I did not tell him from the look on her face.

"Tamia did it," Sylvester said, and Dominic laughed.

"Of course she did; she is used to that work. Was she not someone's wife before you took her as spoils?" Dominic said, and before Sylvester could speak, Stephanie shut him up.

"You will not disrespect Tamia and your brother in his house. This might be a Volkov property, but as Lord of the north, this is his home, and as future Luna, this is Tamia's home. We all have our reservations, but I will not allow you to misbehave," She warned him, and he shook his head.


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