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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 352


We followed Justin as he guided us to the visitor's room where the Gamma and Delta were waiting. Walking beside Josephine, I found comfort in her proximity, realising that being apart from her was becoming increasingly difficult.

As we entered the room, the Gamma and Delta were seated on the couch, and we each saluted them in turn. They reciprocated the gesture by standing up and saluting back. Justin then asked us to take our seats so he could proceed with his inquiries.

"I want to extend my apologies for any inconvenience our presence may have caused all of you," Justin began. "This arrangement is only temporary. Our grandparents reside here, and their safety has become a top priority after the incident. The council and the royal family are also concerned about the recent crime, accident, and fire that occurred in our grandparent's home. I assure you that we are not here to take over your roles or positions."

Upon hearing Justin's words, Gamma Lebedev leaned forward with a smile on his face, seemingly reassured by the Alpha's explanation.

"Not at all, Alpha. We fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. In all honesty, we initially assumed you had come to investigate Beta Mike's crimes, especially considering that the crowned Prince, Beta Liam Volkov, had a close relationship with his daughter. It seemed natural for the Prince to pull strings to ensure his girlfriend's safety, so we understood the circumstances," Gamma Lebedev replied.

I couldn't let this misconception persist any longer, as it could jeopardise what I had with Josephine. I had to make things clear.

"Allow me to correct you, Gamma. Sophia Maguire and I are friends, but we have no romantic involvement whatsoever. I just wanted to clarify that," I asserted, noticing the surprise on their faces. It seemed they had genuinely believed that Sophia and I were together. I couldn't let that misunderstanding continue to impact Josephine and me.

"Understood. We respect the Head Alpha's authority, and unless he explicitly seeks our assistance, we cannot interfere with his ongoing investigations. Our hands are tied in this regard, which is why we haven't dispatched anyone to the former Alpha's or Beta's houses. It falls outside our assigned duties," Justin explained with a sigh.

"However, since you raised the topic, would you mind sharing your perspective on what you think happened?" Justin inquired, turning his attention to the Gamma, who nodded in response.

"Well, we aren't entirely sure. On the day of the murder, Alpha Thompson gathered all of us and led us to the docks. He had received an anonymous tip suggesting illegal activities taking place there that night. Alpha Thompson was so suspicious that he withheld the tip's details and our mission, as he believed one of us might be involved. I think he was right, and the culprit turned out to be Mike.

Given the presence of the Royal heirs at the graduation event, we had to heighten the security of the area where the venue was situated. So, Delta Miguel and I left to handle the security for the event while Alpha Thompson and Mike stayed at the docks to conduct the investigation," the Gamma recounted with a sigh.

"According to sources, Beta Mike and Alpha Thompson were arguing, and Alpha was walking briskly, asking Mike to leave him alone. Mike appeared angry and anxious, continuing to follow him. As they had driven there together in Mike's car, he offered to drop Alpha at his house, and Alpha accepted the offer.

It seems that the murder took place after that ride because it aligns with the timing. It's possible that Alpha stumbled upon something that could expose Mike, and in a desperate attempt to cover his tracks, Mike made a sudden decision to commit the crime. It appears to have been an impulsive act, not premeditated.

We may never know for certain, but that's what we've uncovered so far. We thoroughly searched Alpha Thompson's house and office but didn't find any incriminating evidence," the Gamma concluded, and Justin nodded in acknowledgement of the information.

"Did you conduct the search under supervision?" Justin inquired, and the Gamma confirmed with a nod.

"Alpha Christian's men were present during the search. They have secured Thompson and Mike's residences and offices to preserve the integrity of the evidence," the Gamma explained, and Justin acknowledged the precautionary measures.

"Beyond the night of the incident, how would you describe Beta Mike?" Justin further questioned, and the Delta shifted uneasily in his chair.

"He was mostly unremarkable, following orders quietly, but at times, he acted as if he were an Alpha unto himself. His behaviour could be disrespectful, and he displayed aggressiveness. He had a short temper and wasn't always rational. However, aside from these traits, I believe he was a good guy," the Delta expressed.

As I listened, I couldn't help but feel sceptical. The information they shared indirectly pointed to the possibility of Mike being the culprit. I questioned if they truly function as a team, for in such situations, loyalty might deter them from speaking ill of a fellow member. Their willingness to expose Mike's flaws and offer hints of his potential guilt left me with a sense of sadness and doubt about their alliance.

"So, in essence, you are suggesting there's a strong likelihood that he's the culprit?" I impulsively asked the Delta without Justin's permission, realising I might have overstepped my bounds. Surprisingly, Justin seemed to understand, and he didn't appear angry or inclined to reprimand me.

"Your Highness…" the Delta began, but I interjected.

"Beta Volkov. I prefer to be addressed by my current title,” I said.

"Beta Volkov," he corrected himself, seeming somewhat uneasy addressing me formally.

"I understand how personal this matter is, especially considering your close connection to the Maguires, particularly their daughter. However, the question isn't about whether or not Mike committed the crime; that much has already been established. What we're trying to discern are his motives," the Delta explained, and I nodded, not wanting to engage in a contentious discussion with them.

After a brief moment of silence and awkwardness, the Gamma leaned forward, breaking the tension.

"We would be more than willing to assist you in any way possible," he offered to Justin, who acknowledged his willingness with a nod.

"I'd appreciate the help," Justin replied, indicating that the formal part of the meeting was concluded. Even though we were currently occupying their residence, the packhouse, they remained our guests. Justin suggested that they be offered refreshments and gave us permission to engage in conversations with them.

Josephine approached the Gamma to talk, and I naturally stayed by her side. There was no way I would leave her alone with people we weren't entirely sure we could trust. Since I stayed, everyone stayed.

"Do you have any information about the housekeeper who was attacked in Lady Brighton's home?" Josephine inquired, and the Gamma shook his head.

"Unfortunately, there isn't much known about her. She is a new pack member and currently unmated. She began working for the Brightons around the same time she joined the pack. The Brightons aren't locals, so they didn't crosscheck with Alpha Thompson before hiring her. However, since she has never raised any concerns, it's baffling that someone would target her," the Gamma explained, providing what little they knew about the housekeeper.

Charlotte stepped closer, adding her thoughts to the conversation. "Could the attackers have mistaken the housekeeper for our grandparents and attacked her when they realised our grandparents weren't present?" she speculated, and her suggestion seemed plausible.

26 A little drilling 1


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