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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 40


I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face.

Sylvester was a beast last night, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Now every time I remembered last night, I would want to experience that level of love.

He did not hold back last night; I was sure everyone heard us. I knew I said some pretty wild gibberish stuff while he took me out of the world and back.

I looked at Sylvester, who stood by the window, naked.

The blinds covered the window, but he was peaking through the side to see outside.

"Did you sleep well, green-eyes?" He said and looked at me with a smile. His hair fell nicely on his shoulders, and he looked so handsome that I wanted him to join me in bed so we could cuddle.

"Come back to bed; it is still early," I said, and he smiled and came to join me in bed.

I snuggled into his arms and placed my head on his chest.

"I had fun last night," I said, closing my eyes to recollect the feeling. He laughed and gently stroked my hair.

"I love making love to you, Tamia," he confessed, and I looked at him.

"Were you jealous last night?" I asked him.

"You looked so beautiful last night, and you let Vino make you smile," he said, and I laughed and touched the tip of his nose with my finger.

"I am yours, regardless of who I smile with," I said, and he held me tight.

"I know, but I can't help it," he confessed, and I laughed.

"Well, if that is how you punish me, then more offences are coming," I said, remembering what we did.

He touched my hand and kissed it.

"I can't wait to start a family with you, Tamia. I am a bit jealous of Theodore and Linda," he confessed, and I smiled because I felt the same way.

"Me too. I felt a tinge of jealousy, and I am eager for that to be us soon.

It wasn't a big deal with Leo, but I want us to be a family, Sylvester. I love you so much that I want to be the mother of your children and have little us running about the place. I really want it, and I hope it happens soon. It is a journey I am eager to make with you," I confessed, and he kissed my hand.

"Me too, Tamia. Me too," he said, kissing the top of my head and stroking my hair.

I prayed we get the news soon, too, because it would be nice.

We stayed in bed for a bit, soon showered together, and got dressed to join the rest of the guests for breakfast.

I knew we won't be coming back to the room when I saw our driver walk past us. Just as they placed our stuff in the room, he had gone to pack our clothes from the room.

We arrived at the dining room, and two chairs at the head of the table were left empty while our host, Vino, and the rest of the guests occupied the remaining seats.

The seating arrangement was made according to the level of importance. I assumed Sylvester and I would sit at the head because Theodore and Linda were on the side, and Marcel and Avery were on the other side. Next to Marcel and Avery were Dominic and Glenda; next to Theodore and Linda was Vino and, to my surprise, Lily. I wondered when she arrived.

Sylvester and I went to sit at the head of the table, and people greeted us. From the way some of them looked at us, it was clear they heard us last night.

It was only some of the guests that were at the party who were present at breakfast. I guess only a few of us were invited to breakfast. Roughly twenty-six people attended, and there was a wide spread of food on the table.

"When did Lilly come?" I asked Sylvester through the mind link.

"She arrived with Dominic and Glenda. She really wanted to come, so I asked Vino to have her as his plus one. Since he had no date, he obliged, but they are friends, and there is nothing between them. I wanted her to have some fun after being cooped up in the house," He said, and I understood his reason.

" Now that you have said that, I think we need to let some women settle in the town. They do nothing at the estate. I know they are your trophies..." I linked with him, but he stopped me by interrupting me.

"You are Luna; you can do whatever you like. I won't be taking trophies anymore. If you do not want them in the estate, I understand. Whatever you decide is okay. I have never had relations with the women presently living in the mansion, and I will never," he said, and I smiled at him.

We ate in peace, and when we were done, we were asked to socialise a bit before going home.

Larry walked up to Sylvester, and I could tell Sylvester did not like the man. Larry was with a pretty brunette who was staring lustfully at Sylvester, and Larry knew she was; what was his problem?

"Hello, Alpha Volkov," The woman said, and Sylvester did not find it funny, but she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Hello, eh eh.." the woman said, trying to speak to me in a derogative manner.

"Is she an addition to your new harem? She reminds me of myself, enthralled by you," She said and smiled at me, then extended her hand.

"Hello, I am Arya Micheals, his ex-lover, and I believe the best he ever had," she said and smiled at Sylvester.


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