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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 53


When Theodore interrupted my speech at the northern council conference, I knew something serious had happened.

I politely excused myself. I went to him.

I could hear people murmuring, but soon, Marcel took over, and they were silent.

That was why it was best I wrote my speeches. He just picked up from where I left off.

Theodore stood when I approached him.

"They are back," He said, and I smiled, glad that Tamia had returned.

I was worried she might see Leo or Devin, and they would convince her to leave with them.

The painful part of that fear was that I wouldn't have gone after her if she had willingly followed. Otherwise, I would have given my mother, Dominic and the entire council the war they had longed for and burned the south or east to the ground.

"Tamia is ill. Linda asked that I send a doctor, which I did, but then she insisted I tell you. I think it is serious," He said, and images of her being poisoned by Jake Brighton just to get at me flooded my mind.

I was out the door before Theodore could finish the sentence.

People were looking at me weirdly.

The moment I stepped out, I hopped into the first car I saw. It wasn't mine, but I was lord, and the driver was already behind the wheel.

"Volkov estate now!" I ordered him, and he started his vehicle.

I did not know who he worked for; I will have to apologise later.

We arrived at the estate, and I rushed into the building and went straight to my room.

Avery and Linda were with her. She looked pale and sweaty but seemed a bit calm. The doctor was examining her, and I went to hold her hands. Knight was afraid, so I had to try and control myself.

When the doctor congratulated me that she was pregnant, I was shocked. Knowing that Linda did not feel the same way made me still worried that Jake did something.

"Linda is pregnant, and she isn't ill?" I asked the doctor.

"People experience pregnancy differently, but I will still take her blood sample to test for other things. If there is anything, she is already recovering from it. I will give her a mild sedative to help her relax and sleep it off, but there is no cause for alarm here. She will be alright when she wakes up; she just needs to rest," he said, administered the sedative, and packed his things to leave.

I watched Tamia's eyes close gradually until she fell asleep.

Linda and Avery excused themselves, and I stayed with her.

There was a knock on my door thirty minutes later, and I rushed to open it so the person did not bang too hard and wake Tamia up. I knew it was my mother. She was the only one that dared to do that.

I opened the door, and she frowned at me. Not wanting her in my room, I stepped outside.

"What is wrong with her?" She asked, and I knew she must have heard.

"What do you care?" I said, and she sighed and bowed her head.

"I know I misbehaved the last time, and I am sorry. It was just that treason is a serious crime, and I knew they would want to kill Dominic. Tamia threatened to deal with Dominic if he caused you trouble. You are a fool for her. I was angry, but I don't hate her. I just went to my family home to calm down and think things through." She said, and I knew she was being honest, but Tamia wasn't comfortable with her anymore, and that was a relationship she would have to fix alone.

"Your words and actions hurt her, mother. Even though she didn't say it, I could see it. You called her a whore, among other things; words like that don't get forgotten," I said, and she bowed.

"Do you know she was the only one that believed Dominic didn't do it? She was the one that urged me to dig instead of passing judgment. Dominic has been a problem for me, so it was easy to think he would pull off that stunt. It was Tamia that made me question the enforcer. She was the one that made me look at other factors, yet you were busy antagonising her and making her feel inadequate. I am disappointed in you, mother. Anyone looking from the outside would say you didn't birth me with how you acted. You always side with him over me; you never have my back," I said, tears streaming down her face.

"Do not say that, Sylvester. I gave birth to both of you. I threatened to disown him if he went for the hearing. That was why he stayed. I also say hurtful things to Dominic, but I have to feel sorry for him. He is the older of you two, yet he has nothing, no position, no charge and respect. Things like that get to people. You have it all, Sylvester; he has nothing. He has to live in your shadow for the rest of his life. It is not your fault, but I know it gets to him, so he is always eager to prove that you are flawed so he can feel better. Larry has worked on his insecurities and used them. I was happy you locked the douchebag up. I gave birth to both of you. Do not ever think otherwise," She said and bowed her head.

"I am sorry about Tamia, but I am really concerned for her. I knew she went to the west because of you. It was a brave thing to do on her part, and I commend her, but I am concerned. Jake isn't vindictive, but I can't say the same for Donald Brighton. He is the next alpha, and he has a grudge against this family. Just like Devin, his mother was taken by your father," she said and looked around us.

I realised she wanted to tell me other things people weren't supposed to hear, so I opened the door to my room and let her in.

I signalled her to keep it down, and she looked at Tamia, where she was sleeping.

"She is pale," She said with concern, and I nodded.

"Doctor said she will be fine," I said, and she looked at me.

"Do you mind if I examine her?" She asked, and I did not know how Tamia would feel about it, but since I was there, I decided it wouldn't be any harm.

She touched Tamia's forehead and palm and checked her nails; Tamia stirred in her sleep but did not wake up.


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