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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 57


Dominic locked himself in his room for three days after we returned from the council hearing.

I knew it was shame and fear.

Somehow the man did not expect that to happen to him.

I believed realising that he could easily lose his life woke him up.

I wondered how his relationship with Larry would be henceforth.

I knew the council was working against the Volkovs, but we needed to find out who the mastermind was and why, so I decided to start from the beginning.

I went to Sylvester's office, and he was deep in thought, concentrating on the documents on his desk. Realising some people were actively working against him put him on edge.

Initially, it was based on speculation, but now it was apparent.

Whoever threatened Bryce was either the mastermind or part of the clique.

I looked at him and realised he needed a break.

I had to clear my throat for him to realise I had entered his office. It was either he was far away in his mind or so used to my scent that he did not think I had come in. Either way, he looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey," he said, and I smiled and looked at him.

"I want to talk to you, but first, let's go horse riding. I want to go back to the cliff where I can see the alpines," I said, and he smiled at me, but his eyes looked tired.

"How about we do that tomorrow, darling? I am busy. Besides, it would be best if you weren't riding in your condition; I will drive the jeep there. Maybe have a picnic?" he asked, and I laughed.

"But I am allowed to ride you..." I said, and his wolf flashed

"I want us to go now; you need a break, Sylvester. It would help if you unwound so you can think straight. Everyone is going crazy. Marcel and Theodore look like you. Dominic has locked himself inside his room, and your mother is confused. We all need a break, and I want to take it now, with you, at the cliff." I insisted, and he closed the file on his desk and put it away in a silver safe.

It amazes me how comfortable the northerners were around Silver. They trained with it and used it as storage for essential things. It was mid-bugging. The silver was not in the same space as him but was enclosed in an iron cupboard to prevent it from weakening the people in the room.

Sylvester followed me to the room, and I was glad he listened.

We returned to our bedroom to change our outfits.

"What did you want to tell me other than going to the cliff?" He said, and I smiled at him while I changed into something comfortable.

"I think we should send proper investigators to search Jenny's house and go through her belongings. Avery, Linda and I can lead it. There are specific things that I am looking for that the people we send might miss, and we are bored sitting doing nothing," I said, and he was silent; then he went to sit on the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt.

The sight of his bare chest might stop us from making it to the cliff because I was already getting turned on by his stripping gesture alone.

"What are you looking for?" he asked.

"Journals, notes, emails, scribbles, objects...things that can tell a story," I said, and he took off his shirt, flexing his muscles.

He was so hot that I could no longer concentrate on what I was doing.

I wanted to run my fingers against his chest and feel his muscles. He was mine, all mine, and I wanted him.

"Sylvester," I asked him, drooling over the sight of his body. He looked at me with a question in his eyes.

"What a hot body you have," I said to him, and he laughed.

We both laughed; just like that, his spirit was lifted, and his mood was lighter.

"The better to seduce you with, my dear," He said, and we both laughed because I was playing the role of little red, and he was my big bad wolf.

I could not handle my hormones anymore.

We could talk about Jenny after. But the cliff would have to wait for another day. I went to straddle him on the bed and opened my shirt.

"You need to finish the talk, darling. The wolf desires to eat little red riding hood. Unlike her, I am willing to be devoured," I said, and he gently touched my tits and sucked them gently in his mouth, swirling his tongue on them.

They were sensitive and hard, and I moaned. I wanted more, something was starving in me, and I needed him to satisfy it.

"I will eat you until you beg me to stop," he said with a low growl and flipped me unto the bed.

He kissed my neck and nibbled my ears, sucking the lobe and breathing into it. I had goosebumps all over, and my pussy was clenching violently.

"Oh, Sylvester. Please," I pleaded with him.

My body craved him, aching for his touch, tongue, and cock. My core was aching for release.

He worshipped my body with his mouth and travelled down, sucking and licking my skin, leaving a trail of ecstasy, anticipation, need, desire and want. I dug my nails into the sheet, anticipating him.

"Sylvester," I moaned, and he kissed my lips but avoided my clit. He was teasing me.

"Ahhh," I moaned from anticipation and lack of patience.


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