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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 59


Shock could not describe how I felt after Stephanie had told me everything.

I sat on the couch and stared at her, speechless.

"Why are you trusting me with this level of information, Luna Stephanie?" I asked her, and she wiped away her tears.

Going down memory lane was hard for her, and I could see she loved her husband dearly, just like I loved Leo, and I wouldn't have let him go.

To be fair to her, I could understand her predicament, which was why I had to let Devin go when he came to me.

I couldn't be selfish and crush the one person that dared to love me through my pain.

My heart truly belonged to Sylvester. I was lucky.

Stephanie did not have a Sylvester that would sweep her off her feet and rescue her, so she had to deal, but hearing her open up to me like this made me afraid.

I wasn't her best person; in fact, there was friction between us, and I doubted it would change. For her to tell me this meant she was desperate.

I tried to remain calm while I waited for her to respond.

"I think he is behind this, Tamia," she said and bowed.

"He might feel cheated. He is an Alpha, and he is older than Sylvester. If he weren't a bastard, he would have been the lord of the north. I am sure he knows I am the reason Maurice could not marry his mother properly," she said, and I wondered if she was speaking from knowledge and not just a hunch. There was no way she wouldn't know what was going on in this David's mind if she wasn't privy to it.

I looked at her for a bit.

"Are you sure about these things?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"I can't lie about this," She responded, and I wanted to beg to differ, but I held my tongue.

"You know if I tell Sylvester about this man, he will hunt him down, and there will be no going back from this," I said and sighed.

"Are you sure he is a threat to my mate?" I asked her, letting her know Sylvester was my first concern, and she nodded. I smiled because I had her right where I wanted her.

"In that case, I need you to come clean about it. Tell me how you are so sure this man is a threat?" I asked her, and she looked at me and nodded her head.

"I do not know how to explain it, Tamia, but I just have a hunch. At least let us find him, and then we will know what to do from there," She explained, and I understood what she wanted from me.

Stephanie wasn't sure of her hunch, and she knew Sylvester would not have a subtle approach, and his approach could aggravate this David. She wanted me to tell Sylvester about David and make sure he is subtle about it.

"Very well then.." I said, and just then, I heard Sylvester's voice in my head.

"Where are you?" He said, and I knew he had woken up and wondered where I had gone.

I got off the couch and looked at my barefoot.

"On my way back to you, darling," I linked with him, and he was quiet.

"I have to go back," I told Stephanie, and she nodded and looked at me.

"I am truly happy for both of you. I know it may not seem so, but I am. I am also begging you not to break his heart, Tamia. Susan left my baby wounded, which is why I have been uptight. Please." She said and looked at my tummy.

"I am sure you two will make a great family," She said, and I smiled at her.

"I cannot hurt him, Stephanie, and he knows it. I love him with everything I am, and I have turned my back on everything just to be with him. My love and heart are in his hands. I hope he does not break me," I said, and she could not speak.

I did not owe her the explanation that I had rejected my fated for his sake. That was to remain between Sylvester and me, but she needed to know that I was in my relationship a hundred per cent, and I did not plan on ever letting my man go.

I hugged her and assured her everything would be alright before leaving her room and heading towards mine. I bumped into Lilly on my way, and she looked at my foot.

One thing I noticed was she was lurking around our corridors too much. I know Sylvester was easy on her, but this wasn't her wing.

"Good Evening, Luna," She said to me, already according me the respect of Luna.

"Hello, Lilly," I said, and she looked at my barefoot.

"Is that because you are pregnant?" She asked me with a tinge of jealousy, and I smiled.

"No, dear, it is so I can sneak around the place unnoticed," I said and walked away from her.

I felt her eyes on me, and I turned to wink at her.

I wanted her relaxed and a little bit on edge simultaneously. She was bound to make mistakes faster when on edge than when relaxed.

"I entered the room and went to bed. Sylvester wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck.

"The bed was cold," he said, and I turned to look at him.


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