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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 9


I woke up in wolf form. Amanda knelt beside me, and she was weeping. I did not know what had happened. Did they conquer us while I was out of it?

I shifted back to my human form, and she hugged me tightly and wept.

I searched about for Tamia. The last time I remembered, three of us were in the living room when the intruders barged in.

I broke the hug and gently got up to look at the mess that was once my living room. There was nothing to salvage. I had to replace everything.

"Where is Tamia?" I asked Amanda, and she continued to cry on the floor.

"Where is my wife? What happened?" I asked, and she managed to get up.

"They were trying to take you away as a trophy. You were almost dead. So she gave herself up in your stead. I tried to talk her out of it, but she shut me out. They took her away in chains, Leo. We stood no chance. The attack ended the moment they took her," Amanda said, rushing through her words, but I was lost from the moment she said Tamia gave herself up.

I fell to my knees and roared with anger. I punched the ground until my knuckles bled.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. There was pain deep in my soul. How much pain did we have to endure? Who did we offend to warrant such a terrible life? First, our happily ever after was disrupted by my fated, and now this. There was no way I could get her back.

"Why!" I yelled, my soul in pain and my heart breaking.

How could I lose her? The last words we spoke to each other were painful. She felt I had wronged her terribly, and I was determined to fix it. I wanted children with her too. I would have made an effort. Tamia was my best friend before we got married. I felt like shit, and slowly rage rose in me against Kyle and Devin.

Why did Kyle look for trouble and bring this upon us? I had warned him to be careful that the Dark Alpha wasn't so forgiving, but he felt Devin would be there to rescue us.

Devin took land, money and tributes from us and did not come to our aid when needed.

He might argue the attack was sudden, but that was what Alphas trained for, to counter sudden attacks. He should have had men here to help us.

I roared. My sweet Tamia is gone because Kyle chose to look for trouble. I got off the floor and went to our bedroom.

I looked around and felt like shit. Everything that transpired between us after the whole fated shit happened played in my mind, and I wished I could take it all back.

I wished I never went to the stupid party Casper invited us to. Our lives were perfect. She was perfect for me, and I knew she loved me. I knew that love made her give herself up for my sake. She was good at studying situations and understanding them. She believed it would be best if she gave herself up.

I shouldn't have told her Amanda was expecting. I saw the joy drain from her eyes and the hurt that replaced it.

I knew she wanted children, but I wanted us to enjoy our lives a bit before having pups. The thing with Amanda was sudden and unplanned, but I felt like shit because I had hurt that woman.

Amanda knocked on the door, and I could not let her enter Tamia's room. She might not be here, but no woman would enter her room or replace her.

It was now official that the Mountain pack no longer had a Luna. Amanda will never replace her. Fate had taken everything from us. Our joy, our strength and our happy ending. I planned on holding on to whatever was left of us.

I stepped out of the room, still naked, and she searched my eyes.

"What will we do, Leo? How will we get her back?"Amanda asked, and I did not know how to respond. No one dared go against the Dark Alpha. He was like a god. We would stand a better chance if the entire region joined with the south and went after him, but no one will want to risk that for my Tamia.

"We can't get her back unless he lets her go," I confessed to Amanda, and tears streamed down her face. I thought the news would make her happy, but I guess her life was just as fucked up as ours.

"I thought you would be happy?" I said to her, trying to understand why she was sad.


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