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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101

The man’s rear figure was tall and slender, and as the petite girl followed him obediently, one could see the stark contrast of a visually adorable height difference.

Ivanka squatted on the ground and wept. It was such a shame that her ukulele was destroyed in such a manner.

She thought that crying like this would get the pity of the handsome man who wiped her tears earlier, but no one came to her aid even after she had been crying for some time!

As soon as she looked up, she saw only the Prince Charming’s handsome back.

‘Argh! Why is that handsome guy leaving, too?! Doesn’t he care that I’m in such a miserable state?’ Ivanka hurriedly got up and chased after him. “Sir, please wait…”

Zeke stopped, smiled, and glanced askance at her. “What’s wrong? Is something the matter?”

Ivanka was blank and felt a little awkward. ‘Am I seeing things? My Prince Charming is obviously smiling, but he seems so much more indifferent than before.”

“Uh… Sir, I’m here to return your handkerchief. Thank you for your concern earlier…” Ivanka handed over the handkerchief shyly and waited quietly for the Prince Charming to ask for her number.

However, Zeke just smirked and did not take the handkerchief back from her. “It’s fine. You can have it.”

Ivanka’s cheeks turned red, and her little heart was beating exceptionally quickly.

‘I can have it? The material made from this handkerchief is so luxurious to the touch! What could he possibly be trying to imply by gifting it to me?

Just as Ivanka was secretly fantasizing about how the relationship between the two would soon. develop, Zeke answered softly, “It disgusts me now that it’s stained with the tears of a hypocrite.”


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