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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 115

Suddenly, Sherlyn saw someone she knew among the guests. Her eyes widened as she said, "Corinne, go find a place and stay there. I'm going to talk to a friend. Remember—don't touch anything. You can't afford to pay if you broke it!"

Corinne nodded and said faintly, "Yes, I understand."

After that, Sherlyn took a glass of red wine and sashayed toward an elegant middle-aged man. She greeted and raised her glass with him. The middle-aged man was happy to see her there. His eyes looked passionate as they chatted in good spirits.

Back where Corinne was standing, she took a glass of juice from the buffet table and took a sip to hydrate her throat. Narrowing her eyes, she monitored every movement Sherlyn made.

'It's weird that Sherlyn knows someone from here, and they look very close to each other. Something's going on between them. She must've gotten the invitation card to attend this party here from that middle-aged man, too. The middle-aged man must be the reason why Sherlyn could whitewash her image. He must've supported and funded her. Based on how she and Lilliana's high-profile behavior, they would've used him if they knew him in the past and wouldn't wait until now. That means they only got to know him now. But how?'

Just when Corinne was submerged in her thoughts, she heard snarky comments aimed her way.

"Look at that girl! Her fashion sense is a disaster!"

"Oh my god. Who let her in? She's ruining Lunar Century Manor's high-end quality with that outfit!"

"I agree! What was she thinking, wearing that outfit? And those unsophisticated braids!"

"Come on! Let's go meet her. I wonder who she is!"

Soon, a group of pretty girls dressed in lavish gowns surrounded Corinne.

"Hey there, who are you here with?"

"We're regulars that often attend parties here. How come we've never seen you before?"

Corinne was pulled back to reality. She raised her brow as she looked at them before she turned to walk away, not wanting to entertain them.

The rich girls felt offended by Corinne's action and went after her angrily.

"Hey, we asked you something!"


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