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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Corinne frowned when she heard that name. “Do I have to go there with you? Can’t I choose to skip this?”

Sherlyn saw Corinne’s displeased expression and lashed out sharply, “Know where you stand,

Corinne! You’re my assistant now, so you have to do whatever I ask you to! You can’t just take a one-thousand-and-five-hundred-dollar salary and assume that you can pick and choose what I assign you to do!”

Corinne massaged the top of her nose bridge. “Fine.” The thought of meeting Jeremy again gave her a headache, but Sherlyn showed no intention of letting her off work just yet. ‘I’ll go. Jeremy might not necessarily notice me with this kind of clothes I’m wearing today.’

“Sherlyn.” The middle-aged man from earlier walked over slowly and called out to her. He was none other than Sherlyn’s so-called ‘godfather’.

“Sherlyn, Mister Jeremy and the others are upstairs. Let me bring you over to introduce you.”

Sherlyn got up happily from the swing chair. “Coming! Thanks, Goran!”

Goran looked at his ‘goddaughter’ with a smile, but that smile disappeared when he noticed Corinne following her. “Who’s this, Sherlyn? And why is she dressed like that?”

Sherlyn glanced at Corinne in disdain, then turned to explain obediently, “She’s my assistant!”

The elegant and gentlemanly Goran glanced at Corinne with a disgusted, disparaging gaze. “Why did

you hire an assistant like that? It’s unsightly for someone with her fashion sense to hang. around you all the time. I’ll help you hire a more decent one next time!”

Sherlyn shook her head. “She grew up in the countryside, and I hired her when I saw that she had difficulty finding a job. It’s really sad.”

Goran was touched and immediately lavished praise on her. “You’re such a kind soul.”


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