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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Jason sipped his tea pensively and remained silent for a while before asking Corinne, “Why would the dignified Missus Holden take up a job as an assistant for a celebrity? Doesn’t Jeremy give you any money to spend?”

Corinne played her game absent-mindedly and replied casually, “It’s a hobby. Money’s not the

issue here.”

Jason’s sexy face turned serious. “I asked you this out of concern, Corinne. You can always tell me

face any problems. I might be able to help you.”

if you

‘Help me?’ Jason seemed to enjoy striking up a conversation with her using the excuse of ‘I can help you if you face any problems’.

Corinne raised an eyebrow as a sly look flashed across her eyes.

She quit the game, put away her phone, then raised her head and looked earnestly at Jason. As she blinked her bright beautiful eyes, she asked, “Will you really help me if I’m in trouble, Jason the Kind Samaritan? Don’t just talk.”

‘Jason the Kind Samaritan?’ Jason was speechless at the unexpected long nickname. “Of course. As long as it’s within my ability.”

“It’s definitely within your ability.”

“What is it, then?”

Corinne had a slight smirk and answered him without much ado, “Do you still remember the three paintings of Nellie Nymphaea I saw in your gallery the other day? How about selling those three paintings to me?”

The smile on Jason’s face froze. He had planned on tricking her out of curiosity, but she was the one who turned the tables on him.

‘She’s an interesting one.’ Jason chuckled and said, “Let’s not talk about whether or not I’m willing to sell. The question is, are you sure an assistant like you has the money to buy those three paintings from me?”


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