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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Of course, Sherlyn thought Corinne was bluffing. She rolled her eyes and sneered, “Who is it, then? Tell us his name.”

Corinne answered faintly. “The president of Newmoon Group, Xante Yatco.”

“Newmoon Group?” Surprised, Sherlyn unconsciously exchanged looks with her mother in disbelief.

Marvin asked curiously, “Are you referring to Newmoon Group, established three years ago but is developing rapidly and almost at the same level as the four major groups?”

Corinne nodded. “Yes, the one and only.”

Marvin continued, “I heard the president is a young lady.”

Corinne nodded again. “Yes. A beautiful young lady, at that.”

Sherlyn sighed in lament. “Corinne, stop lying. How on earth do you know the president of

Newmoon Group? I think you’re just fooling us to avoid taking responsibility!”

After hearing that, Marvin’s expression looked serious again. He questioned, “Corinne, do you know the president of Newmoon Group? How do you know her? Tell us.”

Corinne explained honestly, “I happened to find her phone on the road and returned it to her. I heard there was an important document on the phone and that it’d be a nightmare if she lost it. Out of gratitude, she wanted to offer me something as a reward, but I didn’t accept it at the time. She thus told me that if I’m ever in trouble or need any help, I can look for her. She even gave me her name card,”

She reached into her pocket to take out the name card. Before she could show it to Marvin, Lilliana quickly snatched it from her with greed flashing in her eyes.


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