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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151

“Moon has her reasons for that, and I am in no position to divulge anything,” said Xante.

Jeremy chuckled coldly. “Seems to me that Newmoon Group isn’t sincere in accepting Holden Group’s project. No pressure, then.”

As he said that, he placed down the coffee cup and stood up immediately after.

Meanwhile, Corinne could hear the entire conversation from inside the lounge. Jeremy sounded Incredibly dissatisfied, and she knew that his patience was always limited.

If he left, then they would stand to lose the 150-million-dollar project!

As Corinne was frantically finding a way to handle it, she saw a pile of equipment in the corner of the lounge. Aaron was the one who had bought them, and there seemed to be something like a gas mask in the pile.

“Mister Jeremy, please wait!”

Jeremy, who had walked to the door of the office, stopped when he heard the voice and slowly turned around to look over. His charming eyes narrowed when he saw who it was.

Xante turned her head to look in the direction of the voice and was stunned by what she saw. “Why is our boss…dressed like that?’

Corinne had changed into Xante’s clothes in the lounge, and she walked out of the lounge with a gas mask on her face.

She went straight to Jeremy and changed her voice by raising it several pitches higher, saying.” You wanted to meet me, didn’t you, Mister Jeremy? I’m Moon.”

Jeremy frowned slightly and looked at her skeptically.

Tommy had a dumbfounded look when he saw her. ‘Why did Moon arm herself with that sort of protective equipment? Is she trying to imply that Mister Jeremy is noxious or something?

Corinne explained self-consciously, “I’m sorry, Mister Jeremy. I’ve been having severe skin allergies recently, and my face is breaking out like crazy. I wouldn’t want to be an eyesore, so I can. only meet people in this gab. This is why Miss Xante mentioned that it’s not convenient for me to meet clients. I hope you don’t mind me dressing like this while discussing work matters with you.”

Jeremy nodded slightly and said curtly, “I don’t mind. Your fashion sense is of no interest to me.”

Corinne bowed politely. “I’m very thankful for your understanding, Mister Jeremy.”


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