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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173

“That’s good!” Tommy was relieved. If anything happened to Corinne, he was dead sure Jeremy would be pissed.

After what happened today, Tommy could tell Jeremy’s feelings for Corinne had gone past how he should feel for a contracted wife.

Jeremy cared about Corinne-and very much so.

“Sir, a storm is picking up, and the helicopter can’t fly in such weather. I’ve arranged for the nearest car to pick us up, and it’s here. Why don’t you and Miss Corinne get in the car?”

That answered Corinne’s question. ‘That explained why they arrived so fast. They came here in a helicopter.’

Jeremy responded and gave his command, “Stay here until the police arrive. Make sure all the kidnappers are captured. Don’t let any of them go.

“Sir, yes, sir!” Tommy nodded. “Understood!”

After that, Jeremy carried Corinne and strode toward the car in front of them, all while Tommy escorted them with the umbrella.

The flustered Corinne struggled to get down from Jeremy’s arms. “Mister, I’m not hurt. I can walk by myself…”

However, Jeremy tightened his arms to hold her still. He looked down and warned her, “Don’t move. If you move again, I’m going to throw you into the ditch.”

Corinne did not dare to move anymore. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. ‘How is it that this man can’t be nice to me for more than three seconds?”

Jeremy put Corinne safely on the front passenger seat and even helped her to fasten the seat belt. Because of that, their faces were dangerously close to one another.

Corinne was not used to that and tried to buckle her seatbelt herself. She reached for the safety belt and pulled it to her, but she did not know what came together was Jeremy’s body too.

Jeremy’s body faltered, having been pulled down as Corinne tugged at the belt. His chin ended up resting on her collarbone. He turned his head to the side and accidentally, his lips grazed her fair neck.

His pupils shrunk, and his throat felt dry. His Adam’s apple bobbed before he quickly let go and straightened himself.

Due to the intimate contact that sent a jolt of electricity within Corinne, she had shivers all over .her body. She turned her head to the side sheepishly and blinked off her embarrassment.

Straightening himself, Jeremy stood beside the door and glared at her from a condescending angle, his gaze burning with ardor.

The little rascal looked…awfully seductive.


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