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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Jeremy desperately tried to quell the foreign sensation in his body and responded deeply. He had already figured it out.

Corinne looked at him sympathetically as she raised her brow. “Are you able to drive? Maybe I should do it instead.”

“No.” He started the car engine and grabbed the steering wheel. “Go sit at the back!”

“Okay.” Knowing the true reason why Jeremy asked her to move to the back, she was no longer. angry. However, she did not go to the back by getting down as it was pouring heavily outside. She leaped to the back straight from the front passenger seat.

As soon as she was at the back, Jeremy quickly raised the partition glass to separate the front. and back so they were in different spaces. Despite that, they were still in the same car, with only the partition block separating them. They could still hear each other’s breaths.

Corinne felt conflicted. She knew Jeremy was trying to control himself, and she could not possibly pretend to not know it.

The downpour intensified, causing the road to pool with shallow water and making it unsafe to continue driving. Thus, Jeremy drove to a motel in the suburb.

The front desk receptionist informed them there was only one vacant room left.

It was an awkward moment for Corinne. If this happened on a normal day, she would not have minded being with Jeremy in the same room. It was not like they had never done that before back. home. Corinne would sleep on the bed, and Jeremy would take the sofa. They would easily leave

each other alone then.

Today was different. Jeremy accidentally ate something, and his libido skyrocketed because of it. What if he could not control himself?

While Corinne was hesitating, Jeremy said, “We’ll take it.”

Her head snapped toward him as she gazed at him warily.

Jeremy’s expression looked dark though without expression. He accepted the key card desk and pulled Corinne with him to take the lift.

Since the lift was a closed space, Corinne’s guard heightened. Jeremy’s pants were audible, and if anything, it served as a warning to Corinne.


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