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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Jeremy turned his head and asked Corinne, “Where would you like to go now?”

She answered, “My home, please. Thanks.”

Jeremy started the car and drove into traffic as he said in a flat tone, “Quit your job as an assistant. I asked Tommy to arrange a job for you because I wanted you to have a means of killing time, not to let you be at someone else’s beck and call.”

Corinne turned to look at the man, and she had a pensive expression on her face.

In her role as the dignified ‘Missus Holden’, working as an assistant to some small-time celebrity would only affect Jeremy’s reputation. Going by that reasoning, she accepted his request and said, “I still have some things to wrap up, but I’ll quit the job as soon as I’m done.”

Jeremy did not say a word and sent her back to her house.

After getting out of the car, Corinne suddenly thought of something and leaned against the car window. “Could you lend me some money, Mister? The kidnappers threw my phone away yesterday, and I don’t have any cash on me right now.”

Jeremy stared at her, took out his phone, and tossed it to her. “The payment pin code is my birthday.”

Corinne caught his cell phone, looked up at him in surprise, and asked, “Umm… When’s your birthday again?”

Jeremy shot her a cold look, turned his head to look in front of him, then raised the window and slammed his foot on the gas pedal as he drove off.

Corinne’s lips twitched, and she had no choice but to check it online. It was the seventeenth of September, which was not too long away. ‘Is he trying to hint at me for a birthday present?

Sherlyn and Lilliana were the only ones at the Carew family home as Marvin had gone out for some morning exercise.


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