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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Hearing the voice, Corinne looked back and spotted Rosie looking at her from afar with a brown horse.

Corinne’s eyebrows furrowed. “Is your foot all good now?”

Annie had gone to another horse pen to get her horse, so no one else was around. Thus, Rosie did. not have to pretend to be nice to Corinne. Instead, she was hostile.

“Of course not, but that little injury isn’t going to affect me riding!”

When it happened, Rosie had screamed so loudly that others thought her leg was badly damaged. because of the little ear stud, yet she could stand so steadily with the horse. It was obvious that she was pretending in the changing room.

Corinne smiled. “That’s good, then.”

She did not want to talk to Rosie or look at her, so she walked toward the horse she picked.

Despite that, Rosie did not let her go easily and said sarcastically, “You better stay away from the horse. Even if you can bring it out, you’re not going to be able to ride it.”

That made Corinne pause. She could tell Rosie did not say that just to criticize her. Looking at the horse, she then turned to look at Rosie. “Why? What makes you say that?”

Rosie’s eyes were full of contempt as she said proudly, “That horse belongs to someone else, and it knows its owner. Other than its owner, no one has ever gotten to ride it.”

Corinne perked up at this. “Who’s its owner?”

“You don’t have the right to know it. If you’re smart, you should go choose another horse. Don’t act. tough and frighten other people’s horses!”

The hatred Rosie had for Corinne was clear without any pretense, though Corinne found it better in this way.

She smiled and said, “Thank you for your kind advice, but can I ask you one more question?”

Rosie furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Corinne disdainfully. “What?”


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