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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Annie frowned. “But…”

Corinne was already leading the horse out. “Let’s go. I’m about to give it a try.”

Annie’s worry remained rooted. “Do you want to rethink your decision, Corinne? This horse is really difficult!”

Corinne smiled. “No thanks. I just know that this horse clicks

with me.”

“Okay. You must be careful when you ride it later, though!”

“Of course,” Corinne assured.

Rosie led the horse and followed the two of them as she stared at Corinne’s rear figure with disdain. ‘Clicks with you, huh? You’re going to be thrown off its back later, you overconfident country girl!’

In reality, Rosie’s feet did not hurt at all, and she was merely pretending to limp just to synchronize with the charade she put on earlier.

Sunny rode a chestnut-colored horse over to look for them. As soon as he saw the white horse that Corinne was holding, he

was startled at first and frowned right away.

“You brought Moonshine out?”

‘Moonshine? Why would such a handsome horse have such an

adorable name?’ Corinne wondered. She raised her hand and

caressed Moonshine’s mane. “Why? Am I not allowed to ride


Sunny jumped off his horse, put on a proud attitude, and told

her in a magnanimous manner, “It’s not so much whether you can ride as it is whether you’ll survive riding it! Moonshine is my sister’s horse, and it only allows my sister to ride it. Anyone else who dares to sit on its back will be thrown off!”


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