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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2288

Despite Melody's concerns about whether this constant companionship might exhaust Lucas, there was no doubt that Lucas' round-the-clock presence provided her with a strong sense of security, and her mood improved significantly.

Lucas, realizing that his companionship was beneficial to Melody's physical well-being, was very pleased. He felt extremely grateful for heeding Patty's words and noticing Melody's psychological issues.

However, for the past couple of days, Melody had been insisting on going home to rest, unwilling to stay in the hospital any longer.

"You heard what the doctor said yesterday, right? I've already recovered about ninety percent, and the doctor said I can rest at home now!" said Melody.

Lucas was organizing things, and Melody's gaze followed him as he moved.

"Stay in the hospital for a couple more days. And there's one test result still pending. Wait for that report to come in before going home."

Lucas' tone was indifferent, and to Melody's ears, it sounded somewhat ruthless.

"But I really want to go home. The doctor said that the pending test is optional. It's only because you insisted on it that I had to do it. Otherwise, I could've gone home today... I miss Grandma and Grandpa. It's been so many days since I last saw them."

Melody was genuinely concerned about Beatrice and Cedric while she was in the hospital. Apart from the two visits they made earlier, she had asked Lucas not to bring them again. After all, they were elderly, and frequent visits to the hospital might not be good for their health.

Lucas set aside the potted plant he was holding and turned to look at Melody. "Didn't you just talk to them on the phone last night?"

Melody blinked; her large eyes filled with surprise. "How can it be the same? Talking on the phone isn't the same as seeing them in person! It's not like I can feel Grandma's warmth through video calls, and I can't hug Grandpa either. I can't even tell if they've lost weight. I need to explain to Grandma why I didn't let her come to see me after I'm home."


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