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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2328

Melody bit her lip as she looked at Lucas. "You must be joking, right? You make it sound as if you can be by my side all the time."

Lucas looked at Melody, and they locked eyes silently.

After a long while, Melody looked away first, knowing that it was all impossible. She did not want to insist. He was the president of a listed company, much busier than her, a minor actress.

"Are you only going to be happy if you go to the dormitory? If you stay at home, I can still see you and take care of you, but once you go to the dormitory, I—"

Melody turned back with a smile. "Don't worry. I've only injured my left foot. I'm not completely disabled. Besides, Thalia is also injured and needs you to take care of her. You'll be overwhelmed taking care of both of us. At least your burden will be reduced a little if I move to the dormitory."

"You're angry," stated Lucas simply. "Thalia and I grew up together. I can't just ignore her."

Melody sighed. 'He knows I'm angry, yet he still mentions Thalia in front of me. This man is truly hopeless when it comes to understanding women.'

"I know you've always been grateful to her father for saving you, and that's something between you two. There's no need to tell me again. Anyway, if you agree, please take me to the set tomorrow. Consider it my last inconvenience to you."

Lucas was annoyed by how determined Melody was. Since Melody was so insistent on making trouble for herself, he decided not to persuade her otherwise.

"Fine, it's your choice. Don't regret it."

"I never regret."

Melody did not look at Lucas. She only heard the door slam shut shortly after.

'Seems like he won't be coming back tonight,' she thought.

Despite their unpleasant argument the night before, Lucas appeared promptly at the breakfast table the next morning. After Melody calmly finished her cereal and exchanged greetings with Beatrice, Lucas stood up to accompany her to the set.


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