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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37

[Road to Success: (disappointed emoji) Nothing. I’m in a bad mood today, so I wanted to talk to my master.]

Corinne replied, [What happened?]

[Road to Success: (angry emoji) I saw my friend’s love rival in Snow Room today, so I wanted to help. her vent her anger. I tried to make that woman trip so she’d fall face-first into the ground in front of everyone, but that damn woman deliberately fell on the man that my friend liked and even took advantage of the moment to kiss him on the lips. I’m furious!]

Corinne stared lost in thought at the computer screen. The world was such a small place, and he turned out to be the one who tripped her!

Zeke and the curly-haired woman were not the only ones with Jeremy at that time. She faintly remembered another handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who was about 17 or 18 years old. That must have been ‘Road to Success’!

[Do you think there’s a possibility she fell that way because of the angle you tripped her? It’s not like she can control where she falls.]

[Road to Success: Hmph! I think she’s a scheming b*tch! And a shameless one, too! I’m positive that she threw herself on him!]

Corinne could only sigh. She did not reply to that message and joined the server to relieve her boredom with some games. After winning several games in a row, Corinne clicked on a private message that she received.

[Road to Success: (pitiful emoji) Master, are you from New Capital City? Can I treat you to a meal?]

Corinne replied, [Forget that idea. I don’t think you’ll be happy to see me.]

[Road to Success: (puzzled emoji) Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my idol! I’d be happy to see my idol!]

Corinne rested her chin on her palm and felt like laughing. ‘Because I’m the same person as the woman you’re calling a b*tch!’ she mused.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. Corinne exited the game and went to the door to open

It turned out to be Pamela. “Try some of the soup I made for you!”


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