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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57

When Francine knew her grandmother, Pamela, was going to believe what Corinne said, she quickly cut in. “Grandma, don’t listen to her! Don’t let her lie to you again. If she was sick, why didn’t she go to the hospital? Why did she instead stay in this room with another man? Our family would never allow such a shameless woman into the family. Corinne Carew is a bad person. She didn’t just have an affair; she even stole Rosie’s watch yesterday. Ask Rosie about it!”

Rosie, pretending to be generous and forgiving, shook her head. “Ma’am, I’m fine. It’s just a watch, and it’s not really that expensive. Though, what Corinne has done now… It’s unforgivable. She betrayed Jeremy.”

Corinne’s face was as white as a piece of paper. Still, she managed a smile as she continued to ignore Rosie and the others. Pulling the blanket away from her, she tried to stand up. “You may choose to not believe me, Grandma, but I’d never do anything that would bring shame to the Holdens.”

It was haunting for Pamela to see Corinne trying to stand up with her pale face. She was going to ask Corinne to sit.

However, Sunny got impatient and walked toward Corinne, grabbing her by the collar. “Stop blabbering, you demon! No one is going to believe what you said. It’s better that you admit it and leave the Holdens before anyone kicks you out!”

Jason came over and took Sunny’s hand away. “Let go of her! Can’t you tell she’s sick right now?”

Sunny scoffed. “Oh, my. Are you trying to protect her? Seriously, just admit that you guys have something going on!”

Jason was not about to argue back because Sunny was still a kid to him. “We have nothing to say because we’re not having an affair! Mister Sunny, I suggest that you better watch what you’re saying. There is a price to pay for making false accusations.”

Before this, Jason had been nothing but genial and all smiles. However, he finally had enough and squinted sternly while encompassing a defensive vibe. This, no doubt, intimidated Sunny.

He mumbled, “Hmph! I wasn’t making false accusations! You two were hiding in here having an affair, and we caught you two red-handed!”


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