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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Everyone listened as a very serious voice came from the other end of the line. “Hello, this is Eastbridge Police Station. May I ask if this is Corinne’s home?”

Bowen looked up and glanced at Jeremy to seek his instructions. He only dared to reply when Jeremy nodded slightly. “Is something the matter?”

The policeman on the other end of the line said, “If you’re a family member of Corinne’s, we ask that you please come to Eastbridge Police Station right now. We require your assistance to verify certain matters.”

The call then ended.

Pamela could not bear what she just heard and slumped down on the sofa.

Francine became even more frantic. “Did you hear that, Grandma? The police station just called us! The woman arrested has to be Corinne! How could she bring herself to do such a thing? She’s let you down even after all the care and love that you’ve shown her!”

Pamela was heartbroken and found herself unable to accept it.

Jeremy got up, grabbed his suit jacket from the sofa, and said to Francine in a serious tone, “Stay at home with Grandma, and don’t go anywhere!”

However, Francine ran over to stop him. “Jeremy! Stop concerning yourself with that vile woman anymore! Just leave her! All those shameless things that she did will only tarnish our family’s name if you keep getting involved with her!”

Jeremy frowned and reprimanded her. “Get up and stop making a fuss!”

Francine still insisted. “Stop caring about Corinne anymore, Jeremy! She doesn’t deserve it at all!”

Just as the two of them were at a stalemate, a voice rang from above them.


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